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  1. Hello, I have a 3-year old, 15 gallon nano tank. It contains 1 betta, 6 otocinclus cat fish, and 2 amano shrimp. My parameters are: ph 6.8 - 7.0, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5ppm, gh 179 ppm, and kh 35.8 ppm. Water temp is 78 degrees. I do biweekly water changes and dose with Aquarium Co-op Easy Green, Iron, and root tabs. My tank is heavily planted with low maintenance plants (anubias, java fern, swords, crypts) and I do not use CO2 injection. Here is my question: How do I raise the KH to a more acceptable level without increasing the water hardness/GH? I have SeaChem Equilibrium, but do not know how to dose my tank enough to raise the KH without raising the GH. I do not want to use RO water. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
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