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Posts posted by Calvin

  1. 3 hours ago, Frank said:

    Why can't the size be listed in the description? Let me decide where it goes.

     Find a store that lists the sizes in their description, like this store for example https://www.aquariumgardens.co.uk/echinodorus-bleheri-amazon-sword-407-p.asp 

    Just keep that open in a window, open a new tab and when you find something and want the info just search on that site  👌🏻

    There's not a list out there I can find for plant heights but this is the best I could come up with, hope it's helpful! 

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  2. As Lefty asked, Do you have a pleco or something similar?  They have a soft spot for Amazon swords but if you keep them well fed with veg that usually gives them enough to leave the plants alone. I feed mine a piece of zucchini at least once a week and sometimes other things if have them in.


    Just be warned, broccoli can get reallyyyyy messy! 😆

  3. Well I've since moved it over to another small tank and with that and some plants  from the main tank it should be enough to get it going. Got my one remaining lonely white cloud in there until I pick some more up this week hopefully. 

    He's perked up so much already, the dominant zebra danio was forcing him to live in the corner for the majority of the time. 😕


  4. Thanks that's what I thought but I just wanted to check!

    I have a sponge filter in my main tank but it's been disconnected due to me breaking off the airline connection by accident 🙄 so it's not been running for a while but it's just been in there. (I do have another filter in there) Just going to try and mod it with a airstone and stick it in another quarantine tank I'm setting up 👍🏻

  5. Thanks Daniel. 😀

    I have since discovered the small plant is in fact dwarf sag, found it in my purchase history! 🤦🏻‍♂️ No it's not spreading, those are individual plants, I only moved them to there last night and gave another root tab so just maybe they will take off 🤞🏻 

    My anubias was starting to get some green spots and after looking it up it could maybe be due to the lighting that's why I moved it up the back. I know it can also be because they are slow growers and maybe not enough movement so under the filter might give it a bit of flow. It was previously in the middle, I'll keep an eye on it see if it makes any difference. 

    I only recently bought the Elodea but I'm not keen on the wild look it has, no rhyme or reason to it, just grows roots where it wants! I'm going to move it to another tank I'm planning so it won't go to waste, just not the look I was after for this tank. 

    And maybe if the dwarf sag takes off I'll replant some around the filter area to fill it out a bit. 

    Thanks for taking the time to reply 👍🏻

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  6. Hi I'm new around here 👋

    Sorry for the length of this but im trying to give as much detail and my thought process as I can!  

    Honest thoughts on this please? 

    I can't quite envisage how it's going to look long term. My plan was the Java fern growing bigger out the wood and eventually blocking out the sight of the filter on the right hand side. The wood has lots of little gaps to jam plants into. The cave in the corner has that massive bit of Java attached, could be split individually if required.  Should I add something other than Java fern to the wood to mix it up a bit? 

    There is 2 caves hidden up the back where my pleco lives with water wisteria planted in-between them, I'm hoping this will fill out and give a bit of a backdrop to that part of the tank behind the larger pieces of the wood and provide cover for the caves. 

    On the left, the sponge is an experiment  with the Elodea Densa and moving to another tank. I'll explain at the end 😉 I have some Vallis growing over here which is spreading quite well so far, I'm hoping to fill that side of the tank with that, also have anubias on a piece of wood towards the back corner.  I did try the Elodea planted over here but it was messy looking so removed it.

    The small plants in front, I can't remember what they are, chain sword maybe? It's not showing any signs of spreading anyway  

    I also have a couple of questions.. 

    How much space does the filter need around it to work most efficiently? Can I plant closer to it? Seems like wasted space. 

    Will there be issues with the anubias being so close to the sponge filter on the left? I know they like shady areas. 

    What are the two plants I've pictured, is one a chain sword right enough? 

    The Elodea is a bit of an experiment I'm trying, I'm hoping it will attach to the sponge filter and grow though that so I can easily move it around since it's a weighted bottom. The stem on the wood to the right was to see if it would attach and grow up through the wood however I'm having second thoughts about this as I type, looks a bit out of place. 

    I've added pictures from all angles so you can see what I have exactly. Should I change anything? Add anything?  I'm welcome to any and all suggestions please!  

    Thanks if you got this far 😆

    and yes Barry does like to photobomb every picture I take 🤦‍♀️
















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