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Posts posted by morphy1701

  1. Wow! Beautiful tanks! I have been horribly unsuccessful in keeping my 55 planted so I gave up and just went the plastic route. But I am planning to get a 10 or 15 for my office to try again and see if I have more luck with the smaller environment. My plan is several Kuhli loaches, possibly some snails and/or larger shrimp, and I think a Betta, but I haven't decided on the center piece fish yet. I'm just going to focus on successfully getting plants to grow first.


  2. How big do YoYo Loaches actually get? I have seen anywhere from two inches to five inches. I'm guessing (being that it is a loach and some get quite large) that it is around the four inch range? Mine are in a 55 so I have plenty of space if they reach the five inch mark (and I kinda hope they do!) but I was just wondering if anyone had a firm answer. Thanks!

  3. I don't have a planted tank so my issues are limited to GSA on the tank glass. Well, it's on the driftwood and ornaments, too, but that looks natural. I do occasionally pull the ornaments out and scrub them just so they stand out more, but never the wood. I scrape the front of the aquarium because that is what we look through and I do want it to look nice. But I don't really worry about the rest unless it gets too unsightly, then I just use my old driver's license to scrape which I saved for that very purpose. Beyond that, the algae is just free food for my snails and pleco. And believe me, a Bristlenose Pleco can do some damage to algae blooms!

    Put me in the pro algae camp!

  4. I know the rule is put your air pump above your tank, but I've never done that. It is below the electrical socket, however. Was doing a water exchange so turned everything off, including the air pump. I took a bit longer than usual (got interrupted) there was enough time for the water to slowly leak back down the air hose in the pump. Needless to say, I soon had a puddle of water leaking out of my air pump. BTW, an air pump isn't strong enough to push all that water back up the tube. Neither is a human blowing into the tube as hard a he can. Fortunately I had a backup air pump so I cleared the hose, hooked up the new one, and threw away the old one cause it finally croaked soon after. And, luckily, wifey wasn't home so she is none the wiser of the giant puddle of aquarium water I had on the floor!

    Seriously, though, lesson learned. Keep the air pump running since you're not draining the rank entirely. Or pinch off the hose or disconnect it. Ideally the pump should literally be above your tank so water can't somehow run down into it and possibly cause an electrical fire.


    Second dumbest was moving to a different apartment in my college days. Was carrying my 10 gallon down the stairs with fish still in it an turned into the stair rail and broke the side. Fortunately I tilted it quick enough to keep fish and enough water in the tank and dumped the whole thing in a cooler to keep them alive. Bought new aquarium the next day and moved all the gravel and remaining water to the new tank so I didn't have try and do a whole new cycle. And somehow the fish all survived despite all the stress. Worst water change ever!

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    • Haha 2
  5. I would be more than happy to post a question/poll of the week. I'm on here every day, anyway, as I sit at my desk at work. But I think I'm too "new" to do some of the things needed. Or I'm not familiar enough with how this board system works. IE I don't see an option to create a poll. I used to be a mod on a forum 7 or 8 years so I'm familiar with the workings, but I wouldn't trust me either until I'd spent several months here and posted a ton. That is just how these communities work.

    I do think it is a great idea, though!


  6. I have a whole herd of trumpet snails in my 55. No idea how many. But I do have a couple of YoYo loaches that help keep the population down. Before I got the loaches I would see small ones all over, but not so much anymore. I still see the bigger ones at night. I know I still have a healthy population of them because if I scoop a handful of gravel and look, I'll generally find two or three little ones. So I'm happy with the balance. And it keeps the loaches entertained! Never had any luck with mystery snails, not sure why, so I gave up on those. But IMO, a tank without snails would just be strange.

  7. The problem with tanks isn't the fish, or the tanks themselves (they are nice decorations after all), or even all the water changes. It's the massive amount of crud you have to keep to maintain the tanks and the harsh reality of something going wrong at some point and your whole tank dying. This is why rich people just pay people to come in once a week and maintain their tanks.   😁

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  8. Ideally, yes, always quaratine. Some of it depends on your local fish store. If you are buying from a locally owned, reputable store who you know takes good care of their fish, you are probably OK. Big box store.... definitely quarantine. Just now worth risk of wiping out your existing fish, or having to go through all the hassle of curing ick when your fish get it and killing all your snails. Cause if you buy from a box store, your gonna bring home ick. It's just too common and they have so many new fish constantly being rotated through the tanks.


    • Thanks 1
  9. Apologies if this is in the wrong place or if there is an existing thread for these kinds of posts. I just watched the newest Youtube video on the processes behind the warehouse facility and I was blown away! That is a top notch, super professional operation! I wish all places had that level of care and professionalism. I own my own business (auto repair) down in Florida so I have a real appreciation for efficiency and doing things right and also know how much you have to stay on top of things. And efficiency is king. Suffice it to say I was very, very impressed.


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  10. I suspect my smaller Yo Yo Loach has found a cave up inside my larger piece of driftwood. He showed up this morning after missing for almost two days. Last night both my wife and I spent a half hour peering into the tank from every angle with flashlights and saw no sign of him. This morning there he was. Sigh... My best guess is the driftwood. There is a small cave opening where it attached to the slate that is it's base but we can see all of that, but suspect it is more hollow than I can see and he gets up in there to hide. Pretty sure they all get a good laugh out of us freaking out.


  11. Pearl Gouramis can also work if they are the biggest fish in the tank and there aren't any other Gouramis. But Gouramis are kind of a crapshoot. Some are friendly and great, same are jerks and chase everything, and then some are chickens and you never seem them. 🤷‍♂️

    • Thanks 1
  12. Twice a day. During morning feeding and when I get home from work. Usually it's not to bad since they are like dogs at the window waiting to be fed, but the Corys and my Bristlenose Pleco like to hide sometimes. Never crushed one, but I have sucked a couple of fish up in the siphon tube a couple of times during water changes. Fortunately they weren't hurt and were quickly freed..

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  13. Never had a problem with my Bronze Corys on gravel. Although I have slightly larger, rounded.... I guess you would call it river rock gravel. My Corys dig in it like crazy, as do my Yo Yos and both have great whiskers. I like to think I keep good water quality. Change it biweekly, and skip feeding a few times a week to give the "cleaners" time to catch up if there is left over food. 55 gallon BTW.

  14. I have two Yo Yo Loaches in my 55 that I adore and they are not shy at all. Whenever I'm doing any housekeeping or even changing the water, as soon as I put my hand in the tank they come right up and start nibbling to see if they can find any tidbits. I've had other fish that will nip a fingertip when expecting food, but none so relaxed about my entire hand. Anyone else have this expereince?


  15. 38 minutes ago, Kelly S said:

    I drain mine when it's not in use, and I keep an extra sponge filter going in my 40 breeder. When I need the qt tank, I just fill it and plop that sponge filter in there. So far, so good.

    Hmmm.... that is a good idea. Hadn't thought of that. My biggest issue was getting the tank ready for a new fish or sick fish without waiting the month or so for the water to be healthy. Right now I just siphon the water out of my main tank, but I worry about crap that has settled in the tank while it was dry.

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