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  1. KH and GH are 6 drops which appears to be soft water. My pH is off the charts really high and I have no idea why. My hot tub tends to how a low ph when I fill it. Attaching all other values. I have two Fluval plant light strips. They are I believe the longest sizes and they span the length of the tank. What can I do due to the depth?
  2. I am looking for some help with my water. I have well water but it does have a water softener/brine tank as well as a sulfur filter. I have a heavily planted tank that is heavy on fish as well. CO2. 120 G tank. I can’t seem to get plants to thrive. Sometimes I’ll notice some darker green on the leaves of the plants. I have the Fluval lights as well on my tank. I’m not sure if my mistake is that I use a generalized plant fertilizer or sometimes I don’t use anything. Doesn’t seem to make a difference either way.
  3. Every time I used a sponge filter, it gets this awful squeak. How do I prevent this?
  4. I'm seeking some help. I have a planted tank. Community Fish. 125 G. Canister filter. 2 jets for circulation. UV light. Black beard algae issue. CO2/02 Injection. What are some good light cycle suggestions in general and to help with this issue?
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