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Karen P.

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  1. Well, she lives two states away, but we're in a small state area and I'm close to the border of my state, so we're about 2.5 hours apart despite that. I only know of one other person in passing that has a fish obsession, but she works for the National Wildlife Fisheries as an agent. Her tanks are crazy and all over the house. Hahah...my friend converted her dining room into a fish room and it's a crazy set up, I always enjoy looking at it when I go visit her. She's been very patient with all my questions and helping me out, plus all the info on here. The co-op blog and their YouTube channel are extremely informative. I'm a dog enthusiast and rescue volunteer, and I feel like I almost know more about the technicalities of fish now than that of dogs!
  2. Hi there! I'm fairly new to the fish world and have been indoctrinated by a good best friend (who has a fish room to die for) into it with some Japanese neon blue endlers and the possibility of some black-eyed koi guppies that she has as well down the line should I become serious about this. I joined these forums and have been watching co-op videos to get me started on the process because she said these guys wouldn't steer me wrong, ever. I've been doing a lot of research on nano tanks after seeing the pencil fish video and have to say I'm hooked on the idea. I'm starting out small tank wise at the moment to make sure I can hack it with the endlers and then will upgrade from there. I'm excited to get into this and am looking forward to getting my little companions, which I'll be meeting her for in about two weeks! I look forward to chatting with you all! I'll post pictures when I get the little fellas!
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