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Posts posted by Pakal

  1. 10 hours ago, CorydorasEthan said:

    Wow nice! Has your school orchestra gone to any national competitions yet? My orchestra teacher was very competitive and she really liked to push us to new levels. She had us go to a number of district and state competitions/workshops and then we went to Orlando to compete in a big national one where we won second place. Now that I am in high school, the freshman orchestra I am in is really kind of boring compared to the middle school class. At least its less work, because I have a lot more homework this year!

    I've played in 1 state competition before but other than that, my instructor doesn't really take our orchestra to competitions because she's laid back and doesn't want to put stress on us.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Ohad said:

    I have a sad update , I am new to the hobby .

    Apparently my best guppy was sick... it was hard to spot since he was so pretty , but now when thinking about it he was slower and hanging at the top more then the rest .

    Even with cycled tank , perfect water parameters he did not survive the fist 48 hours from the store to my tank . He passed away last night .

    Now everything is calm in the tank I don't see any signs of the other fish being sick they are active, nipping algae and eating well . The endlers stoped flaring and look calm and playful . 


    Sad story especially because I work so hard for two months to get this tank to the best condition to my ability for fish . But that's that.

    Now the two endlers and two guppies all get along and even play with each other while before the endlers kept to themselves in one side and refused to get closer to the guppies other then flaring at the sick one.


    Based on how you described him as being sluggish/slow, your guppy may have died due to a lack of oxygen. Do you have air stones or a sponge filter? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Squeegee79 said:

    Assuming that the HOB is an appropriate size for the tank and the tank is appropriately stocked, then it should provide enough O2 for your fish.

    If the tank is going to be very heavily stocked, then you may want to add an airstone...although at that point might as well add a sponge filter.

    Would you recommend the USB Aquarium Co-Op Air Pump?

  4. 1 minute ago, CorydorasEthan said:


    I am one of those people who wants to research in depth anything that interests them in the first place, so bear with with as I explain all the things I'm interested in:

    • Cello. I started playing in 6th grade. I do take lessons besides school, and have entered into a number of competitions, recitals, and programs. I am really competitive, so I usually end up with a high chair in the youth orchestras program that I am in, and I (not to brag) have gotten perfect scores on all of my solo festival performances.
    • Ecology. Not necessarily a class or something, I just like researching and learning about many different animals and habitats on my own time. My main interests change every few years. For example, when I was around three to four years old it was dinosaurs, and then it changed to four-legged artiodactyls such as deer, antelope, and gazelles when I was five and up. Back from second grade to sixth grade I was really into guinea pigs (I kept a few at home they are great pets). When they passed away when I was in 7th and 8th grade, I started to get into fish and aquatic organisms. I am still in this stage. But every year, besides my main interest, I like learning about other "side topics" that I am interested, but aren't really a main focus of my time. I will read articles and look up different things about them, but this interests wears away after a month or so. For example, last year, besides freshwater fish and aquariums, I enjoyed dinosaurs of the cretaceous period, especially those from Alaska (I usually have a dinosaur side-topic every year), the mammoth steppe and its remarkable similarities to the African Savanna biome, fur seals of South Georgia island, and the Amazon rainforest. So given that I like so many animal-related subjects, it can be assumed correctly that I enjoy going to zoos, aquariums (oceanariums), botanical gardens (added bonus if they have koi lol), birdwatching, nature walks, etc.
    • Star Wars: Yeah I like Star Wars a lot. My favorite movies are Revenge of the Sith (episode III), Return of the Jedi (episode VI) and Rogue One, but the clone wars series is my favorite Star Wars overall. Favorite characters: Anakin, Ahsoka, Luke, Cal Kestis, Palpatine, Grievous. As noted before, I like researching everything I enjoy, so Star Wars is not exception. I like learning about the different vehicles, technologies, and civilizations of Star Wars, even though they make no sense. Other notable movies that I like are the Marvel movies and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
    • Other interests of mine that don't take up a lot of my life include Cross Country (I ran in 7th and 8th grade), Science Olympiad (particularly ecology-related events like herpetology or ornithology, but also Water Quality, Paleontology, Geology), history (especially World War II), among other things.


    As you can see here, I think that my bookshelf is a good representation of my interests as a whole. It is a large mixture of field guides, encyclopedias, care guides, pocket books, and other informational content. The only fiction books are the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, among some other novels that I read in my free time. As my teacher back in elementary school would put it, "he needs to learn to read more fiction!"

    Nice, I play the cello too! I'm currently in my school's 8th Grade Level orchestra.  My other hobbies include playing video games, watching anime, and studying/analyzing poetry.

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  5. I have a question. I was wondering if HOB filters provide sufficient oxygen for a 10-gallon. I have my 10-gallon tank set up but have yet to add my fish. My HOB filter creates lots of movement at the surface but I'm not sure if I'm going to need air stones or not. I noticed bubbles on my aquarium decor and at the surface but I'm still not sure if that'd be enough oxygen for my fish. What are your thoughts?

  6. Hello, quick question for all you experienced fish-keepers. (I'm a begginer)

    In a community tank with a Betta, some Corydoras, a Nerite snail, and some Endlers, how often would you feed the tank, how would you feed the tank, and what would you feed the tank?

  7. 4 hours ago, CorydorasEthan said:

    Here's a general stocking idea:

    • One male betta
    • Around five of any of the following: neon tetra, cardinal tetra, pristella tetra, ember tetra, harlequin rasbora, porkchop rasbora, white cloud mountain minnow, endler's livebearer, guppy.
    • Another four or five of any of the following: pygmy cory, false julii cory, kuhli loach, otocinclus
    • A couple of the following: mystery snail, amano shrimp, nerite snail
    • Lots of live plants (crypts, saggitaria, swordplants, hairgrass, java fern, anubias)

    I don't know if this is overstocked or not, but if it is please someone correct me.

    Quick question but all those fish/invertebrates you listed have around the same water parameters as a Betta right? 

  8. Greetings fellow aquarium hobbyists! 

    I currently have a 3 gallon Betta Tank and I'm planning to soon upgrade to a 10 gallon. I need stocking ideas! I'm currently thinking of getting some Corydoras as a cleanup crew but other than that I can't really think of any other beginner friendly fish other than guppies and neon tetras. So... Any ideas??? 

  9. According to thesprucepets.com, it says, "Salt creep occurs when the water in a saltwater aquarium splashes out of the tank, gets things wet, and after the fresh portion of the water evaporates, leaves behind salt crystals" So it's basically nothing to worry about. But, it'd still be better to just simply clean/wipe it off.

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