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  1. Hi @GoofyGarra I have had my experience with Java Moss but I just recently had the growth I was looking for and here are the conditions I have to help it thrive: moderate to low light, 10 hours of light a day, it being shoved into the substrate not on rocks or wood, have my temperature at a steady 76 degrees, the ph at around 6.6. IMPORTANT: It took several weeks to see noticeable growth within the moss!!! Be patient!! These are the conditions of my tank with my Java Moss. I hope this helps!
  2. Need some ideas for the next tank setup? I just got some black neons to add to my 20 gallon, It has 2 Bolivian rams and 11 neon tetras, 3 bronze Corey catfish, 1 S.A.E, and now 6 black neons the ph is relatively low (around 6.5-6.4) and the tank sits at 76 degrees. they absolutely thrive amazingly!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Need some ideas for the next tank setup? I just got some black neons to add to my 20 gallon, It has 2 Bolivian rams and 11 neon tetras, 3 bronze Corey catfish, 1 S.A.E, and now 6 black neons the ph is relatively low (around 6.5-6.4) and the tank sits at 76 degrees. they absolutely thrive amazingly!
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