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  1. so this is an older thread, but i wanted to say it has been very helpful to read over. thanks to @Mojie and everyone else for posting info about what you wanted, what you did, plus updates later on. i've been looking at product reviews for No Planaria (good and bad) and hearing people say that they haven't been able to successfully keep snails in their tanks months and months (or even permanently) after a treatment gave me some pause about using it. it's good to see someone lay out what worked for them exactly. i am thinking now that many of the bad reviews are from people who didn't do enough water changes and running carbon after their treatment. have my fingers crossed now that i can do this successfully in my planted tank with ~2.5in of substrate. it actually took about 6 months so i didn't really notice at first, but planaria have killed all my ramshorn snails and i just want some tank cleaners back. i'm snail-less for roughly a month and i can already see biofilm starting to cover the tank walls. i have a fairly wild tank, which is how i got the planaria (and more desirable - to me at least - things like amphipods, copepods, isopods, various substrate worms) in the first place. aside from those wild creatures, i only keep a few amano shrimp. traps and No Planaria have been ordered. i'll be doing a test with a small population of each of these creatures in a 5 gallon tank i have for emergencies, plus some planaria captured with a trap. if that works and the planaria die and the crustaceans don't, and i can then clear out the medicine and successfully introduce snails, then i'll scale up and eliminate the planaria in my 16g tank the same way. wish me luck. i will report back.
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