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  1. @Colu thank you. I’m doing about 25% water changes a day. I ordered crushed coral, it’ll be here tomorrow. My kH is really low. Tap is 3dkH/53.7 ppm. KH the second it goes into my tank is 0 🥺 Do I need to remove the crushed coral when I do the last round of Prazi?
  2. @Colu my fish are still flashing. Found out the other day, however, that I am dealing with “old tank syndrome” as my pH is dropping rapidly from the water I am adding in. I need to remove the rocks and get out whatever is decaying in my tank. Im doing daily water changes to try and remedy this. Tips on how to fix old tank syndrome and do you think this could be the cause of the flashing 🥲
  3. @Colu in case you’re interested. Holy. Crap. I tested my water and I believe I am going through a mini cycle. I just discovered nitrites in my tank. I ran out of the ammonia test a little while back so I haven’t been testing it because my tank is pretty well established. I do all the other tests regularly and today I noticed nitrites, meaning I likely had ammonia when they all started flashing earlier this week but I just assumed it was the parasite 🥲😅 I just ordered an ammonia replacement water test and it’ll be here on Saturday. I’m thinking this all started because of the use of ParaCleanse a couple weeks back, meaning I’ve likely had ammonia this whole dang time - problem solved, I believe. I think they did have gill flukes but my overfeeding and the use of antibiotics messed with my beneficial bacteria. Such a rookie mistake - dang! I should have ordered that ammonia test a month back. I feel awful for these fish! They’re still flashing after a huge water change, but I presume it’ll get better after my water clears up and their gills get some relief. I plan on picking up some cycled media from my LFS tomorrow and finishing the last dose of Prazi in a week or so. I appreciate all your help in keeping me on track when I wanted to just give up. I was getting so frustrated and it was because of something I caused - this was definitely a learning experience! Always keep ALL tests on hand EVEN if your tank is established. Lesson learned.
  4. @Rupertdaropefish hi I’m sorry for commenting on such an old post - I am doing research on what seems to be the same problem you were having a few years ago. Did you ever come up with a solution? If so, I would love to know what worked for you as I have tried everything I can think of and my fish STILL flash. thanks!
  5. Oh shoot! I treated with the second round after a week. Ahhh. I will wait 2 weeks for the next round. Thanks for that information! And yes, it’s not good, even my gobies and Pygmies are flashing 😞 it breaks my heart. I did a water change yesterday and will check my water tonight after work. I will also check my tap water. Thank you!
  6. @Colu we are on day 5 of PraziPro (round 2 of antibiotics) and the flashing is not getting better. All species of fish are now flashing. I’m going to start another round of Prazi on Friday to finish off 3 rounds of treatment. Do you have any ideas on what to do next? Do I try Expel-P? I saw something about trichodina and was thinking about treating with Ich-X to see what happens. Ideas?
  7. @Colu thank you. So do the eggs get laid inside of the fishes gills and stay in there until they hatch? I was under the impression they were in my substrate and would die immediately after hatching. Thank you for clarification!
  8. @Colu things aren't going well over here after the first dose of PraziPro on Friday - most of my fish are aggressively flashing and one of my zebra danios is spending all his time riding the filter flow due to what I would assume is irritated gills. The pale corydora is looking pretty bad again also. I don’t understand how they would still be flashing since there is PraziPro in the water currently - wouldn’t the supposed flukes die before being able to attach to a host? I am at a loss and really don’t know what to do. My fish are obviously not happy and it is very sad and unenjoyable to watch them like this. I am thinking of giving up the hobby due to this whole mess. Do you have any ideas before I throw in the towel and give them to someone more experienced (if someone will even take sick fish). Thank you!
  9. Sounds great, thank you! One of my Corys did flash yesterday after a water change but I didn’t notice anyone else do it. the pale Cory has a lot more energy and is schooling again 😁 I appreciate all your feedback and knowledge!
  10. @Colu woooohooo my pale corydora is finally getting its color back and NO FISH ARE FLASHING ANYMORE! Can I assume the ParaCleanse did the trick? I am going to dose another 2 rounds of antibiotics, one week apart, to ensure the fish are entirely parasite free. Since ParaCleanse seemed to work, should I forgo doing Expel P? Additionally, I only have PraziPro on hand now and was going to dose with that instead of ParaCleanse for the next 2 treatments. Do you think this would be okay or should I go out and buy more ParaCleanse and stick with that? Thanks a lot!!!
  11. Thank you! I have a group of 6, but I notice them getting nippy during feeding time especially. I will add some botanicals and remove them from the tank, thank you!!!
  12. @Colu I can’t upload a video, but the gobies are bumblebee gobies. I’m likely going to rehome them or move them to my 20 gallon once it’s cycled
  13. @Colu of course! I tried my best - it’s not the easiest because it’s feeding time lol. Today, the panda corydoras are breathing heavily. I am going to do a water change because I know that ParaCleanse depletes oxygen. Pale panda is still looking really bad and doing this odd wiggly thing with its body. I will post a video
  14. I gravel vac every water change, but I havent done a water change in about 5 days because of the ParaCleanse treatment - I plan to gravel vac and do a 30% water change when I get home from work. I don’t notice any cuts or redness to their barbels, and also dont notice any white tufts. I am wondering if the newest addition of gobies is causing issues in the tank. Maybe they bit off my poor Cories barbels? I have been feeding very very lightly during their treatment - maybe the gobies are hungry and are chewing on my cories? I also noticed a chunk taken out of one of the panda corys dorsal fins. But for all of them to be eroded within a night seems odd.
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