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About Me

Hi, thegoodviewgirl here.

I'm just getting back into the Aquarium hobby...and I have much to learn...talk about a roller coaster ride. I don't remember it being this emotional or hard. I am finding, I really do love all the critters...trying my hardest to make their lives (& mine), better and a bit happier. All and all, it's working...yeah!

I consider myself an artist. Starving of course. I'm a Beader, Pour Resin & a Wire Tree Maker...also...Make & Read Tarot Cards. With a keen talent for Writing Word's in Wire. I get a booth in craft fairs & city celebrations, whenever I can. I'm always being creative. 

I'm hoping that sometime in the future, I will be able to combine the artist and my love of critter comforts, into something creative, beneficial & fun. 

Well, I'm glad, I'm here. Nice to meet you all. I look forward to learning, experiencing and supporting you and the Aquarium stuffs...Thank you!!!


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