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  1. Cheers ! Keeps us young !
  2. Hello all, Well my first Pao bayilei has been added to his new tank. Always seems hungry and quickly except (red wigglers) small earth worms. He/She is about 1.5 inch. I am still working on getting my 55 gallon emptied of fish to start my first colony. Very happy with my purchase and new project.
  3. Very nice, I have always enjoyed Blackwater river tanks.
  4. Thanks, This is a very interesting forum. I have been a hobbyist since I was 10, I am now 70. Started with Fresh, moved to Marine, then back to fresh. Most important thing I have learned is to keep it simple. Cheers
  5. Well, I have not received the Pao Baileyi as of yet. It should be arriving this week. So not sure of its size, that's why I was thinking blood worms. I have lots of baby guppies that should give it some exercise. But I will want to provide it with a healthy diet. I also have a tank full of red tailed Goodid. They are similar to your Limia vittata. They have large young that are not eaten. He will go into quarantine as this tank cycles. My guess is around September it should be ready. I do not like to introduce new fish to a tank until it starts to establish some algae growth . Water perimeters all look great for now, but its only been a week. Wish I did get a group now. Oh well, maybe later. I will keep you updated and provide photos once established. Congratulations on those fry. That is so exciting ! Cheers
  6. Cheers, One of my new projects I have been working with are 6 Gymnogeophagus balzanii juvinals agout 2" to 3". They do best with seasonal water temperatures . That being said, they spend 3 months in a 55 gallon equipped with a chiller and a steady temp of 68 degrees. In the spring I move them to a 75 gallon for a more tropical temp. When adult they get a nice round hump on their head. This is also a rather large Gymno that can max out at the 7" range. I should also add this fish prefers soft water. Just something different.
  7. I just wanted to say being new to this forum, it gets better every day. Thanks
  8. Interesting, I will need to play with the flow and add a few more hides but I am on the right track. Thanks Currently I have flow running with a brief pause simulating a wave action. Perhaps a slow steady flow would be more appreciated, but I like the wave action to introduce more oxogen to the water. Happy to see you use culls, I was thinking of that. I have an abundance of guppies. Also was thinking of small live earthworms and frozen blood worms. Thoughts ? I added the flower pots, but will rearrange them Just wanted to see how they would look. I could spread the stones out if it does not really care for all that sand. I have extra river rock. Thanks
  9. Hello, here is a photo of the Future home for the Pao bailey . I have added a 3" Diameter and 2" Diameter flower pot to the Tank. I do want to make sure he has enough floor space to borrow into the sand. The flow looks good. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks
  10. Thanks, great information. The 30 gallon being cycled, is set up to house one CB Juvenal about the size of a gum ball. I have Medium flow, soft sand and some river rock and drift wood. If I decide later to try a colony I will use a 55. I have some Almond leaves, do you think they would like tannins in the water? Your water looks very clear.
  11. Current Breeding Projects Live Baring Fish: Blue Mosaic Guppies Black Dumbo Guppies Hi-Fin Red Platy's (Xiphophorus maculatus) Red tailed goodeid (Xenotoca eiseni) Egg laying fish and mouth brooders: Heros Liberifer - Red Shoulder Serum Buffalo head Ciclid Steatocranus casuarius African Mouthbreeder Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi i Plecos: Slate Plecos Pseudancistrus genisetiger
  12. Great information, Love your setup. See you are using the Co-Op planters. I already added a few with Cripts. Smart ! Now I want to add more. What size tank are you using ? I have two to choose from , A seasoned 55 gallon with soft sand, and a 30 gallon with soft sand but is in the cycle process at that moment. The Juvenal I ordered will go into a season grow out tank until the other two tanks are ready. How about current flow ? Strong / Medium / or slow ? I am leaning toward medium. Thanks
  13. Thanks Whitecloud, will try to work on some photos soon. Cheers
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