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  1. My water parameters are a little tough because I use the test strips, but I did go to a pet store and they said everything looked good. He said my ph was high at 7.5, so I purchased the ph kit to keep an eye on things. My goal for this tank was plants, driftwood, cherry shrimp, and some simple community fish like neons, a bristlenose pleco which I have. I wanted to keep it very simple with a low bio load. I was hoping the plants, shrimp, and regular water changes would keep my tank super clean. Thanks for all the help everyone.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. You are correct, I do have 2 amazon swords as well. The java fern and anubius are glued to either pieces of wood or rock. I did put a few root tabs near the Amazon swords and water sprite. I also have flourish for the water, but will be purchasing easy green since I keep hearing it is the best. I will float my water sprite if you think I have a better chance of it surviving. Any thoughts on shrimp and community fish? Am I safe to put them in? I should have mentioned, I had 5 neon fish. 4 died on me in 2 days. That is how I found out my gravel may be the problem.
  3. Good evening all. I need some guidance. I am not new to the hobby, but I am new to fresh water. I have a 36 bow front. I always ran salt water reef tanks, but it was time for a change. I thought I did everything right. Gravel substrate because it's easier to vacuum and keep clean. Didn't put any fish in for the first 3 months. I did put a few plants in, but they haven't been looking so well. Almost zero nitrates. I do have hard water. I also have a high ph. 7.5 from what I can see. My plan was a community tank, with plenty of plants. Here is my question. I purchased bio active african cichlid gravel. I was just informed that this gravel is awful for planted tanks and a lot of the community fish that i was hoping to have. I have some water sprite, java fern, anubius, along with spider wood. Do I really need to break this tank down and start over? I am hopeful I can still have plants and some cherry shrimp. Maybe a few neons. Any help and guidance will be greatly appreciated.
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