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Mississippi fish guy

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Everything posted by Mississippi fish guy

  1. Im not entirely sure but I think sp refers to the species by something other than the scientific name. An example might would be instead of Pogostemmon stellatus octopus it could be Pogostemmon sp. octopus. You would be able to find a better answer if you were to search something along the line of “what does sp stand for in a scientific name (or binomial nomenclature).
  2. I have the same problem except it’s 20+ snails doing it in my moina/snail tank. I have ramshorn and bladder snails. I have also been having difficulty with ammonia so I think that could be my issue.
  3. My kuhlies act similarly. My tank has almost no plants put it has a large piece of driftwood in the center that they hang around. The lights are dim because of all the tannins in the water. I often see them looking for food near the drift wood. I try to be sure they get plenty to eat since the corys will eat everything if too little food reaches the bottom.
  4. I will. Do you know anything about keeping pigmy sunfish?
  5. Mine would be my clown pleco. It almost never leaves its hiding spot in my 55 community tank.
  6. I am planning on setting up a heavily planted 10 gallon for pigmy sunfish and I have some questions. 1. How many pigmy sunfish in a 10 gallon? 2. can you keep banded and gulf coast pigmy sunfish together in a 10 gallon? If so where can I buy gulf coast pigmy sunfish? 3. Do they accept pellets or other prepared food or will they only eat live and frozen food? 4. Does anyone know if you can legal collect banded pigmy sunfish for aquariums in Mississippi? 5. What are the water parameters for pigmy sunfish? 6. Do they do better in a heated or unheated aquarium? 7. What are you thoughts on keeping scuds (amphipods) with the pigmy sunfish? 8. What would be needed in the tank for them to spawn? 9. What plants would you recommend to get a densely planted 10 gallon. thanks.
  7. I removed the cherry barbs Wednesday and while I’m not sure how many eggs there are I know that most were not eaten. Now just waiting for the fry to hatch and become free swimming. Also what would you recommend feeding the fry until they are large enough to take bbs?
  8. I just tested the water after a roughly 90 percent water change and the ammonia read 2 ppm while the ammonia in the tank I took the water from is 0 ppm. I was wondering if this could be the problem? this is what the algae looks like when it is healthy
  9. I went ahead with the water change and there were still at least one hundred moina left thanks for the help.
  10. Would it be a problem if the moons came into contact with chlorine? The tank is lower than the sink so I’m not sure if I can drain it without the sink turned on.
  11. I just tested my moina/snail tank and the ammonia read 8ppm and I was wondering how to drain most of the water without siphoning out the moina? Also the snails stopped laying eggs and I was wondering if they will lay more eggs when the ammonia is gone?
  12. I will probably try the giant danios. It seems the other options are all to big and I don’t know of any armored catfish that aren’t plecos that can be kept in an aquarium. Thanks for the help.
  13. I tried a spawning mop on the first and second time but I couldn’t find eggs in the spawning mop. Once they have spawned once or twice I remove the barbs
  14. My tank is a 55 gallon though there might not be as much open water when the Pogostemmon begins to grow more.
  15. I am trying to find some dither fish for Bob, my red wolf fish. He won’t eat his tank mates unless he decides to refuse to eat in the day and his tank mates eat the food instead. He is shy but aggressive and has eaten fish about a fourth of his size when he was young and has attacked 4 inch long shiners. I tried tiger barbs but he became nervous and ate most of them later. What would be some other ideas?
  16. I am new to breeding fish and have been trying to breed cherry barbs. I have three females and two males but I only use one for spawning. I have tried three times and they have spawned three times. On the first and second the eggs were eaten and on third time I tried putting gravel on the bottom for the eggs to fall into but I haven’t seen any eggs or fry yet and it has been several days. And also is it an issue if I breed a long fin males with short fin females.
  17. I found this growing in my snail tank and I do not know what it is. Can someone please identify it. it feels somewhat like plastic and if I am not mistaken it showed up after I put half of a home grown zucchini in the tank.
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