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  1. Recently I noticed this stranGe lump on my kuhli and I'm really worried, as I am quite new to kuhlis, any help/ treatment methods? He is swimminG fine, and thouGh I havee run out of water tests, I do daily 10 percent water chanGes, so I am quite sure they are fine. I'm really worried for my water babies, please help
  2. Recently, my female betta got mouth rot, and I've started to treat with https://www.petsathome.com/product/interpet-anti-fungus-and-fin-rot-aquarium-treatment-100ml/7122140P?productId=7122140&purchaseType=one-time&volume=100ml, as a dip treatment but according to some its harmful for fish so can someone recommend me some stuff! This is her, she's barely an inch long and my first betta!
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