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  1. Guys a mystery was solved today. So I kept seeing loads of platy poop and I wasn’t feeding hardly anything (due to tank being new) well they’ve been picking that white goop from my big piece of spider wood and eating it! And thank you so much for everyone’s help I got sold an established sponge filter so I think I’m ok now.
  2. So a local pet store was awesome and sold me a sponge filter from one of their established tanks. So I’m wondering and I won’t add them all at once due to my tank being new but right now I have 3 female platies and a female black Molly. Do I need more mollies I heard they can be somewhat aggressive when alone or am I ok? I was thinking if I need more will 2 more females be good? I have a 20 gallon tall. And no one is pregnant.
  3. Ph:7-7.5 ammonia >5 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 temp 76 tanks being treated with aquarium salt and prazipro just in case (idk if that’s the right thing to do or not) food I fed last night and some was leftover in the tank:Repashy solient green. I plan on getting gravel but I’m just making sure everything’s ok first
  4. I just read most of the comments and I unfortunately bought 3 platys before I read these comments. I will do everything in my power to keep these girls healthy and happy
  5. Ok so I’m cycling (day 3) a 20 gallon with 3 female sunburst platys. I know how to do a fish in cycle so I’m decently convinced I can keep these fish alive. Anyways a red flag at PetSmart was almost all the platys were hovering near the bottom. But I just thought maybe it was a coincidence. Well now they are doing it in my tank. They don’t seem pregnant at all either. UPDATE:I AM PRETTY SURE I SAW ONE OF THE PLATYS FLASH AGAINST MY SPIDER WOOD! But no visible spots? Do I treat and if so with what? tank size:20 gal tall heater:yes 76-78 F filter:sponge filter no substrate yet,I have a spider wood clump a banana plant,pothos and another plant not submerged. And a decoration of one of those lion/dragon statues from Asian culture. Along with a aqeon led plant light. food: I haven’t fed them yet but I plan on switching off and on from bug bites color enhancing flakes and I made up quite a bit of Repashy solient green. ammonia >5,nitrite 0,nitrate 0 im doing at least 25% water changes every day to every other day until it cycles.
  6. So I’ve never had a nice smooth cycle with fish food but I have had success with fish. Such as danios. I use prime etc etc and they’ve always survived. I want platys for my 20 gallon will maybe like 3 females be ok in my 20 gallon getting through the cycle? I’m on day 3. i have some experience with fish in cycles as I said before you basically just need to do some water changes and use seachem prime imo
  7. That’s the one medication I only had to use one time! And it spilled in a bag so now I only have a tiny bit lol
  8. So I used to have like 4 nano tanks about a year ago and of course being a fish keeper for 2 years you accumulate some fish meds. Well a year ago I got out of the hobby and traded it for the reptile hobby. Well now I’m doing both. I have a container full of opened medications and I’m wondering if they are ok cause most of them expired last year. here’s the meds I have ich x (big full bottle only used 1-3 times) expired 4/23 Methylene blue expired 11/23 X2 kanaplex expired 7/23 metroplex 7/23 melafix and pimafix expired unknown full packet of maracyn expired 9/23 i really hate to buy more meds..
  9. So I got 6 rosy red minnows from PetSmart and am running them through with some prazipro. I noticed one of them has a good sized hemorrhage/blotch on both sides of their body. Is this that one disease that basically is a death sentence for all of them? I have her quarantined but now I’m afraid it’s a loss cause and I just ruined my hospital tank. If so what are the steps to make sure everything is disinfected? ALSO: I just checked on her in her 5 gallon hospital tank and she’s swimming like she’s panicking? tank: 10 gallon with sand and some caves. Lucky bamboo sticking out the top along with a pothos vine. Sponge filter. temp: 75ish F parameters ammonia 0 nitrite 0 Nitrate >5 (just did a water change) One of them I just noticed has a white portion on their tail? It almost looks like it’s shedding is skin and it’s stuck on the tail (yes I know that’s not possible I don’t think lol)
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