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  1. I have Both, after my weekly water change I am usually around .3 phosphate, and about 12 nitrate. I try to keep nitrate between 10-20 bc I’ve had livestock losses above 20. I’m not sure exactly, best guess 1-2 weeks. I am using a salifert kit to test potassium.
  2. I’m dosing a good amount of potassium, it tested at 80ppm the other day. So it can’t be that, which is why I’m confused
  3. So I started this 25 gallon tank about 6 months ago, and I’ve never struggled so much in my life! Substrate is aquatic pond compost topped with sand. At first I had hell getting plants to grow, then they finally took hold. About a month ago I started having problems with staghorn and bba. Then about 2 weeks ago the leafy green plants in the back slowly started not looking great and slowly dropping leaves. im currently running co2, and auto dosing an all in one fert, and potassium about every 3 days. I’m using a fluval plant light running about 8.5 hours a day. based on my plants appearance what does it look like is going on??
  4. I started off with 5 awhile back in the tiny 1 gallon tank. I’m down to 1 that I moved into the new 5 gallon now, but have more on the way. I think my others died bc I didn’t have active substrate to keep the ph lower. But there is definitely a lot of biofilm.
  5. I have tried about 6 different kinds lol
  6. I recently moved my shadow panda shrimp from a 1 gallon tank to a 5 gallon. I’ve had them for awhile in the 1 gallon, and noticed they never really ate any of the shrimp food I put in there. They seemed to just eat the biofilm, algae, and Indian almond leaves I’d put in. I didn’t have the water parameters exactly right until I moved to the 5 gallon. But I’m still noticing they don’t eat any shrimp food I put in. Any ideas why?
  7. Was going to use some Marcyn today but ready in the box that it’s not safe for inverts?! With erithromyacin work too?
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