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Bruce Trathen

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Posts posted by Bruce Trathen

  1. I currently use API products, in particular; Quick Start, Stress Coat +, and Stress Zyme + to keep bacteria levels active and remove chlorine and chloramines in my tap water. My question is: Is there just one product (any brand) that will accomplish all that these do it seems they pretty much do the same thing and i want to streamline my maintenance since i am up to 6 tanks now! I have 2 10gal community tanks, 2 12gal longs (1 i have a baby Musk Turtle and 10 Kubitai and 6 Golden Madaka Rice Fish & 1 is cycling for my soon to be Multi breeding tank) a 29 gal also cycling and not sure of stocking it yet, a 3.5gal Betta and am planning a few more in the coming months! I would love to hear what you NERMS have to say. Thnax!

  2. Quick question to any who keep Musk turtles. I am planning on getting one and have herd and found mixed info on whether they need a UVB light since they spend most of their time in the water. My water has plenty of KH so calcium should be ok for shell growth. Any advice would be appreciated. 

  3. Thanks @Cory from shape it looks like a nerite but it also is a baby and I thought they can’t hatch in fresh water? We will see once it grows up, love it all the same. I love all your products and will continue to use you for all my needs. I lived in Edmonds from ‘91-2004 where were you then? LOL. I would have kept you in biz for sure. Thanks for all you and your team do for the hobby/ sickness. 

  4. @Cory i found a lil hitchhiker today in my 10 gallon. It is in the cycling stages so no fish and all the plants (and gear) came from Aquarium co-op so it had to come from plants. What snail do you keep in your plant tanks? I just need to know how to care for it. I am grateful as i was hoping to get a few as i love them. It looks like a nerite but it is very tiny only a few MM in size so i cant really tell. Any advece would be appreciated. Thanks!

  5. Was outta the hobby for awhile, now that I have more time gunna start again. Just gotta a 29 gal with a Fluval 3.0 light and gunna try my hand at live planted tank! Going to start slow and easy on both fish and plants as I have time to grow. Would love to have a pair of Green Sevrums but the are terrible with a planted tank, at least in my past experience, any help would be appreciated.  Look forward to learning from all y’all here. I wish Aquarium CoOp was around when I lived in Edmonds, WA (1992-2004) but now with the WWW I can learn from them 1500 miles away here in H-Town. 

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