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  1. @Tony s @Colu thank you guys. So do you guys suggest I do nothing other than just the change in feeding for now?
  2. Feeding them 1-2 pellets of hikari sinking wafers, 2x a day. Couple times a week give them some frozen bloodworms. I haven't seen any rapid breathing or hanigng out near the surface. The 3 Original cories do like to glass surf on the right side of the tank up and down the walls (almost all day), however. No spitting out food, usually all the food is gone in ~20 min. There is some lethargy for the new 2 cories, but when i feed them they all eat together and seem fine. Is there any concern needed for the flashing? They all do it sometimes, some more than others. Is it my substrate?
  3. Hello everyone, I have a question and concern for my panda cories. I have 5 in a 10 gallon (I know this isn’t super ideal, but several have told me they’ve made it work so I decided to give it a shot). No other fish. water parameters as of 2 days ago: ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20-40 ph 6. Something I forgot i started with a trio of cories then added 2 more 1-2 weeks later. im concerned because i catch them flashing at least once a day (sometimes different ones) (edit: I just saw it happen again since i posted this so tbh like 3-4 times a day probably) and the flashing is very spazzy and scary looking. I also noticed this morning that one of them had a bulge on its stomach? I was wondering if anyone knew if this is a type of sickness / cause for concern. note: the 3 original cories seem to be doing the best, but one of these is the one with the bulge. The 2 newer addditions are more lethargic as of late and also are the ones I catch flashing more often. All 5 have been eating normally tho and I don’t see any discoloration / spots on their body. Unless in one of the images I attached that’s a concerning white spot?? But the 3 originals hang out together more as well. also not to mention, most of the cories’ days consist of them glass surfing in the back right corner of my tank. if anyone could help me out with some advice that would be greatly appreciated🙏🏼 attached is a pic of the bulged Cory and of my tank.
  4. Hello all, I bought 2 ludwigia repens just about 2 months ago, and I’ve come down to the last couple flowers of them. The first turned brown and died kinda quick but this one in the image has stayed alive. I recently took them out of the weight to replant them individually, is this the correct way to plant them? How soon should I expect growth? I have an aquarium co op root tab in there also and have been dosing easy green. Thanks!
  5. Does that mean I would have to return my panda Cory and my gourami eventually?🥲
  6. Hello everyone, I have a 10 gallon planted tank, image attatched. I currently have 1 gourami and 3 panda Cory. I was looking to maybe add more fish/plants…. Any suggestions? Can I add more corys or should I go for a middle swimmer? What about some shrimp? also does anyone know if my gourami is a honey or thick lipped? I bought it under the impression it was a honey but someone on a different post noted it was a thick lipped but wasn’t sure. Thanks!!!
  7. What would you consider dense planting / high live stock stocking in this case? And then would i need to get co2/ turn on my airstone?
  8. Thanks! I've heard ppl on different forums say that air pumps if anything should be turned on at night when the light is off... but do u think i should just keep it in time with my light?
  9. Thanks! So would you recommend that I keep the air stone off?
  10. Hello everyone, I have a 10 gallon planted tank right now with 1 gourami and 3 Cory’s. Attatched is a picture of all the plants. My question: is an air stone necessary in my setup? I currently have a tetra whisper IQ HOB filter going and provides enough surface agitation (I think?) Will the air stone be beneficial / harmful to my setup? Should I only keep it on at night? some others suggested on past posts that I turn off the air stone to have some calmer water for my gourami. thanks so much!!
  11. Thanks again @Lennie just to be sure, is this enough surface agitation for my tank / plants / fish solely from the HOB filter? And I can ditch the air stone for good?
  12. @Lennie Hi thank you for the response Lennie. And thanks for the compliment 😁Some counter questions : 1. yes, I have been testing PH, it is consistently at 6.0-6.5 2. If my gourami is a thick-lipped and not a honey, is 10 gallons too small?? 3. If I turn off the airstone, will this affect the health of my plants? 4. What would u consider / how would I know if something is a disease related issue with my fish? thank you so much!!
  13. Hello, I am a beginner tank keeper with a 10 gallon planted tank. I have 1 honey gourami and 3 panda Cory, who all seem to be doing well. However, I’ve noticed that the gourami and 2 of the Cory have darkened in color since I’ve gotten them. They all seem to be acting / eating normal for the most part, sometimes the 2 Cory that are darkened also frantically swim at the back of the tank. I think they are both babies, they are quite small Attatched pictures are my Gourami and one of my panda Cory that has gotten “darkened” and the other one that is normal color. Idk if the pictures can really capture their darkness. But for the gourami specifically, I feel like it’s looking quite dull / not as vibrant as it should be All my tank parameters are in check according to my api test strips (I’ve heard they are not that accurate tho), but I have consistently getting 0 ammonia, nitrate, nitrite weeks before these fish were added and still now.— One thing is that the KH is at 0, is this supposed to be higher? also, one of my panda Cory (one of the 2 that are “darkened” ) also sometimes swims quite erratically, sometimes jerking over on its back or sideways. Is this a sign of stress and if so what can I do? does anybody know if I should be concerned / have dealt with this darkening of their fish before? Any tips and help would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏼 thank you very much! Also plz feel free to leave any constructive criticism / suggestions on my setup / planting 😁
  14. Hi all, I have 2 ludwigia reopens in my 10 gallon planted tank. One is healthy but one looks like it’s hanging on by a thread (attached below) what should I do? Could this be caused by excessive water flow? I also have a gourami that picks at it , is that making it a lot worse? Also does anyone know what that clear substance is, biofilm? Thanks sm in advance 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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