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Nox Lion

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  1. Yeah I think it’s likely the local store has the water a bit cooler. I’m chalking it up to bad luck with genetics/the batch of guppies they got in that week plus keeping them 79-80 when they weren’t used to it. Two are still alive and doing okay from what I can tell. Did another water change today. Lowering the temperature a bit and hoping for the best.
  2. Not sure what would constitute a “swing”. I try to keep the tank at 78 but sometimes it swings to 80 for a couple hours. I use API stress coat after every water change.
  3. I’m aware of new tank syndrome. I’ve added fish day 1 into a few tanks now with no issues using the method of bringing old filter media into the new tank to rapidly increase the cycle.
  4. New, it’s a week old and ammonia has never spiked past 0.25ppm and I have been doing daily 70% water changes.
  5. No worries I appreciate the insight! I’ve been keeping them warmer so they breed. Most YouTubers say that 78-80 is fine if you want them to breed quickly but it does shorten their life span, so maybe they were in cooler water at the store and that’s why they died?
  6. I bought them from a local family owned store and have never lost a fish from them until now. I know guppies are overbred so that could be why. Maybe I will try a reputable online retailer like Flip Aquatics.
  7. I listed the parameters in the post..
  8. Hey all, I have about 5 nano community tanks, and haven’t lost a fish in over a year. I tried setting up a new tank for my roommate but we are down to 2 guppies left out of the 5 we bought last Friday. I use old filter media to cycle along with API Quick Start. Did daily water changes for the first three days and did the level 2 salt treatment listed on this website. This isn’t the first time I’ve lost guppies, as I lost some in an established tank due to me over medicating it. This time around, though, I can’t figure out what I did wrong. My best guess is I just got a bad batch of them, but I figured I’d post on here and see if I did anything wrong. Tank Size: 10 Gallon pH: 7-7.2 gH/kH: 150/40 Temperature: fluctuates between 77-80 due to water changes and using a brand of heater I'm not used to. Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate: 0/0/10ppm Any general tips or ideas as to why I can’t keep guppies alive?
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