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  1. You can see one of the mama shrimp just at the lower right edge of the shot, behind the ramshorn snail. Sorry the pic's a little blurry, he's a quick little bugger.
  2. Anybody ever had this happen? The only thing I can figure is that there was a fertile egg stuck to some plants I bought (online!-- went thru the mail) for this relatively new 8 gallon tank housing Ocean Blue Neocaridina shrimp. The plants went in about 4 weeks ago, but today was the first day the lil fish came out from where it must have been hiding in the dense plants and moss, as I truly have not seen it before and I look at that tank thoroughly every day. Needless to say I haven't been putting any kind of fry food in there, just the occasional shrimp pellet. It's not a newborn, either, so I guess there are enough microorganisms in there to get it going. My guess at this point from what I can see is that it's maybe a rice fish... I have no rice fish, have never kept them. So, people who know, do they need company, or will it be OK alone?
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