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  1. I have an electric blue in a 20 g long in my son’s room for him (but really for me) lol we’ve had her since September 2023. She is with 4 glo danios, 4 white skirt tetras, 4 glowlight tetras, 4 harlequin rasboras, 1 derpy endler, and 4 nerite snails. We like 4 I guess 😂 she did eat a white cloud minnow and harlequin rasbora that were old and before I added all the extra fish, and a new guppy we added that also didn’t look good after a couple days. She never tries to eat the healthy fish and even gave up on the snails after like 2 days. I have 2 older corys in a 5 gallon betta tank that I really want to put in there. I don’t think she would mess with them but I don’t want them getting killed. They really do need more room though. 😕 and my only other big tank is a 75 gallon African cichlid tank. I also have a Mexican dwarf crayfish in a 5 gallon with 5 dwarf emerald Rasboras, a neon dwarf goby, 6 cherry shrimp and some shrimplets, and a nerite snail lol the pics is where my Cories live now and my sons tank and my little dwarf crayfish’s home
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