So... in January this year I bought an Aqueon frameless cube aquarium, 14 gallon.
Back story:
Didn't do anything with it, life got in the way. I water tested but I did not read the reviews as I planned to have a crab in there at first. (I have since decided to use my 20 gallon long tank for their set up.) fast forward I have been working on it because I wanted to get a dwarf gourami. Been wanting one for a while.
so I've been scaping and setting up the plants and everything has been growing and coming a long smoothly I was in no rush. Almost there too been two months working on everything still hadn't found the right drift wood but I was still in no rush figured I'd get one probably early/late august.
fast forward to today:
I saw on a fish tank group I am in that someone's tank busted wide open at the sides after being up for months no problem. Same one as mine. I had noticed how thin the layer of silicone was before but didn't think much of it since it held. Now I'm worried, debating on emptying and resealing but then I noticed someone in the reviews under the petco product mentioned the glass thickness. I looked it up and the thickness of the glass is the same as my 5.5 gallon tank. I am super worried because that's well below the suggested thickness for this 14 gallon.
Personally I am leaning towards I should scrap it for an aquarium completely and only keep it for vivarium builds but I am also upset because I really liked it as an aquarium.
Very interested in y'all's opinion on this one:
Have you personally had any issues with this tank after having it for over a year or more?
Have you resealed it and the glass seemed fine?
Is there really a standard thickness or is it all just suggested? (If so why does Aqueon get away with not meeting said standard?)