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  1. I think I know what dragon's rock looks like. I'll be going to one of my favorite shops this weekend, I'll see what they have. I really thought all of mine were going to die I had a very small amount left. I think taking them out of the tank helped them to adjust because they just kept dieing in there. I think you should try to order them again and keep them in a container away from the tanks and let it go through it's melting stage and hopefully if it's undisturbed it will come back. They are very picky to lighting though, I have a three gallon bowl that it's light isn't the best but it was affordable and my other plants don't mind but the red root floater don't like it at all. It's the only tank they won't do well in now.
  2. I just want to try lighter color items to get things to pop a bit. Mine melted at first, I pulled all the floaters out of my tank. I left them in a container so they didn't keep spiking my parameters. After they died off they began to come back and I put those in the tank and they did great. Now they won't stop growing I keep spreading them to my other tanks I am thinking about selling them. I think they had to adjust to the different water.
  3. About to change this one up. This is my 5 gallon betta tank. Originally I loved it because it was my first scape but I kind of just put random plants in there to grow. I recently scaped a 10 gallon that I like better. So now I want to rescape this one. the red root floaters have darkened the entire tank so I am thinking about replacing the rocks I have with some white ones and taking all the plants out and putting java fern or another leafy plant all along the back. I am keeping the drift wood as it is because that was the inspiration for the tank in the first place. Any other suggestions?
  4. So I had this issue for a couple weeks. I did water changes and nothing changed. Finally one of the water changes I took the water from another tank and used it to fill the water in the cloudy tank and it cleared up the next day. I don't know why it worked when the new water didn't but it worked and my tank is clear now so I am assuming it was something with the bacteria just going crazy and the clear tank I took from balanced it out.
  5. So, from what I have found through research it depends on the gallons and shape of the tank. I have been using this site to calculate https://www.omnicalculator.com/other/aquarium-glass-thickness but there are others.
  6. Y'all never buy this product. I will not purchase anymore Aqueon tanks. After all this it Ironically started leaking today😅 I lowered it to around 4 gallons after deciding to take it down. I still needed to set something up to take the plants and snails so it still had the water for them. Today I was at my desk and looking at the hanging plant I have still in the water (suction cupped to the side of the glass) noticing that the level decreased but I thought that was just evaporation due to the AC. Still I decided it was time to start working on getting it's replacement since I had time today. I worked on moving my current 10 gallon crab tank to a 20 gallon to free up my 10 gallon to replace this tank. It's done and I love it a lot more anyways but when I sat at my desk to do my work about 30 minutes ago I noticed the bottom of the hanging plant was now exposed. 🥲 The timing is unreal, luckily it's only 4 gallons now instead of the 10 gallons I had before so I can manage this.
  7. Yeah, really bothers me that they'd sell this product knowing it's not made properly. I don't want to waste my time perfecting a tank that will potentially end in disaster. Besides it's my work desk I really don't need a blowout on all my paperwork and computer. Yeah, wish I had read the reviews before. I'll figure out something to go in there... just not water.
  8. Serpadesign on youtube builds a lot of his own tanks and explains what thickness they'll need and where he bought the glass. I am thinking about making a cube myself to replace this one. I have also found a couple sites that you can calculate the thickness of the glass you'll need so you can know prior to a build.
  9. So... in January this year I bought an Aqueon frameless cube aquarium, 14 gallon. Back story: Didn't do anything with it, life got in the way. I water tested but I did not read the reviews as I planned to have a crab in there at first. (I have since decided to use my 20 gallon long tank for their set up.) fast forward I have been working on it because I wanted to get a dwarf gourami. Been wanting one for a while. so I've been scaping and setting up the plants and everything has been growing and coming a long smoothly I was in no rush. Almost there too been two months working on everything still hadn't found the right drift wood but I was still in no rush figured I'd get one probably early/late august. fast forward to today: I saw on a fish tank group I am in that someone's tank busted wide open at the sides after being up for months no problem. Same one as mine. I had noticed how thin the layer of silicone was before but didn't think much of it since it held. Now I'm worried, debating on emptying and resealing but then I noticed someone in the reviews under the petco product mentioned the glass thickness. I looked it up and the thickness of the glass is the same as my 5.5 gallon tank. I am super worried because that's well below the suggested thickness for this 14 gallon. Personally I am leaning towards I should scrap it for an aquarium completely and only keep it for vivarium builds but I am also upset because I really liked it as an aquarium. Very interested in y'all's opinion on this one: Have you personally had any issues with this tank after having it for over a year or more? Have you resealed it and the glass seemed fine? Is there really a standard thickness or is it all just suggested? (If so why does Aqueon get away with not meeting said standard?)
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