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  1. I know this is a bit of an old post but want to thank you for your reply. I just found some very small white bugs on the glass of my cherry shrimp with pest snails 20 gallon tank yesterday and was worried as to what they were! Looks like it is seed shrimp, so I guess not too much to worry about. I presume I should just feed the shrimp less, was giving them a small wafer a day with a couple of pellets of crab cuisine every few days. I only have around 15 shrimp, one is carrying eggs. I also have a 50 gallon community tank with pea puffers/neons, some tetras. I was going to try and maybe syphon some of the seed shrimp into their tank but was not sure if it was a good idea or not? Thanks for any replies.
  2. I just put in a diy trap by Mark's Shrimps using frozen baby brine shimp (maybe I should have put in algae wafer as they sure like that yesterday!). It looked great and the Ramshorn are all over it but the leeches can't seem to find the opening. So going to make another one with an upside down bottle with small holes in the lid and a prawn inside and will see. I also took a couple of more videos because as soon as I did put the diy trap in, there was a few leeches that did come out. Maybe this will give you all a better idea of what they look like and move? It sure would be great if they at least are not something that are going to kill my shrimp and snails. To be truthful so far it doesn't look like they are bothering with them at all, which is a good thing. Horrible and creepy but if they aren't killers, then that would be so wonderful! Thanks again for all your help. https://jmp.sh/10t1lDae https://jmp.sh/hp71fA0Q
  3. Hi was looking for "lab aria traps" but I am not sure what those are? A google search isn't helping me much either. Thanks for any information regarding them.
  4. Hi thanks for your reply. Just wondering because yes they come out when I put in algae wafers and rarely see one if I am not, then snail leeches do not eat wafers or run for what is thrown in? Is this right? They mainly want snails and possibly shrimp? I was going to tear my whole tank down this morning but now having second thoughts. The 4 shrimp in there are doing well it looks like and the 4 large Mystery Snails are motoring around too. I do have 3 Pea Puffers in my 50 gallon that I transferred from the 20 gallon because I had pest snails in both but more in the 50 gallon one. I took the Mystery Snails out of the 50 as some people said that the Peas would attack them. I am actually thinking weeks back when I cleaned out the bottom of the 20 gallon and the peas were still in there, that on the side of the bucket I transfer water to throw away, there was one of these worms/leeches and I thought "free worm and dangled the leech now I know what it is, into the tank but the Peas never bothered with it and it got away from my tweezers into the substrate! If I had only known back then! Thanks for your reply. Yes want to get them out of there. I was going to look for a diy Planaria trap to try and make instead of waiting for one on Amazon. I could possibly when feeding the algae wafer and once they and the ramshorn snails are on the wafer, quickly scoop them all up and get some out of there. Unless they are too fast!
  5. I have two tanks set up, a 50 gallon community tank which seems to be doing well. I have many nano fish in that one with 3 puffers as I had/have a bit of a pest snail problem. Lots of plants, wood, etc. I have another 20 gallon hospital tank that I originally had my puffers in but when I went to switch them over to my 50, I removed 4 Mystery Snails to protect them, into the 20 gallon. I have since bought 6 cherry shrimp, although 2 died and I have one in a tiny quarantine tank doing salt water baths as 1 had green fungus. A few months back I noticed I had a white worm on the wall of my 20 gallon. Read online and thought it was a detritus worm, so no worries. The tank has a fluval stratrum substrate, wood and lots of plants in it. I just put in a new filter in Monday and switched bioballs and sponges that I had in the old one, as the old filter I felt was not doing well and might die at any time. Fast forward to yesterday when I fed the shrimp and snails in the 20 gallon. I put a few shrimp pellets in, along with a couple of algae wafers. Looking at the tank about 15 mins. later I saw all these worms congregating onto the algae wafer along with some ramshorn snails! I took a video of it which I will enclose. I asked on a shrimp group what they thought these were and they said "snail leeches" and they will kill shrimp and mystery snails! I don't have a lot of shrimp but this is my starter tank for them! I spoke with the woman that I bought mystery snails from and she said to put the shrimp and mystery snails into a small bucket of water from my 50 gallon, an airstone and heater and keep them in there. Then basically tear down my tank. Groan! I am not sure how long the shrimp and mysteries will last in a small bucket with no biofilm though? I am in Canada and I can't find much at the store. I know people mention some kind of Bacter Ea think it is called. I can possibly tank out a large java moss that is in my other aquarium that might help with that? I do have some PraziPro that I bought to make sure the Pea Puffers had no worms, but reading someone said they tried that and it didn't work. I could do a double or triple dose in a tank with no shrimp and mystery snails if it did work? I read on another site that someone used salt at 2ppm for a few weeks in their aquarium to get rid of the leeches, I think they did remove the snails and shrimp though. So I am stumped what I should even do? Can someone lead me in the right direction please? I just uploaded the video to a site for 24 hours, as I do not have pictures of the worms or leeches. Thank you so much again for any help. https://jumpshare.com/s/zuW9CBQiYztZr2qPkVXg
  6. Here is the other one I think is a male. What do you think? Also I just ordered a TDS meter today from Amazon, so hopefully see how much TDS I have when it arrives. Thanks everyone again for all your help.
  7. I just read that they have either no copper in them or very minimal for shrimp. Easy Green is suppose to have none and Flourish has 0.001% in it. I know both are safe. I was just trying to keep the nitrates down as I was advised to do on another thread. I do have Nano fish in there too. Easy Green has 2.66% nitrogen where as Flourish has 0.07% nitrogen. The only thing I did not buy yet is a TDS meter and a lot of people have them, so thinking I should as it could be my mineral content in the tank, since all my testing seems fine. I have soft 5ppm Spring Water coming from my tap and using Equilibrium to raise GH and some egg shells now. I had 2 cuttle bones in the tank but speaking to the pet store I ordered my Easy Green from, he told me that cuttle bones also cause the KH to raise and he thought I should remove them, so I did.
  8. Oh geez I hope not. I have another picture of the same one closer taken the same time. There is also another similar skinny type red one, not as colorful but I did not get a picture of it as yet. Will try today.
  9. Thank you very much. I think I found one that is a male. The others do look like all females, what I have found anyway. He seems to swim around the tank a lot when he is on the move, compared to the others too. Thank you very much. I think I found one that is a male. The others do look like all females, what I have found anyway. He seems to swim around the tank a lot when he is on the move, compared to the others too.
  10. Oh wow, they are different! At least one of the red smaller ones has the look of a male, it has slight red lines through it, not all red. I was thinking it was what they call a "cull" if I was raising them to sell. Maybe it is a male. Thank you so much for your picture. Explains a lot!
  11. Oh wow, thank you, good to know. How can you tell? I know some people said something about the back end looking thinner or something in the males? Maybe because I have all females, if the rest are too, that is why I can't really tell one from the other? I saw 3 blues in my tank today (I had only seen 2 for a few weeks but the third is still there) and 3 yellows (all about the same size) but only 1 small red and the one that I posted the picture of, but the other day I saw 2 small red ones. Now just hope for a male in the group and I am set to go lol. If nothing comes of it in the coming month I might buy a few more and see what happens. Appreciate you letting me know.
  12. To be honest I have no idea what they are, just know a few months ago I did have 2 baby red cherry shrimp so must have had a female and male at the time. Here are 3 of my neo shrimp but no idea what they even are. I have seen 3 blue shrimp, 3 orange shrimp and 2 small and 1 large red cherry shrimp but could be more.
  13. I put egg shell in there all the time. I also had 2 cuttle bones in there but speaking to my pet shop, which is a very large outfit, the fellow told me I had too high a KH and the reason was the cuttle bones as they raised KH as well as GH. So much conflicting information out there. I am not saying the baby shrimp are dying because of high nitrates in my aquarium, I just don't see any. Like they are not breeding.
  14. Hi yes I put in some root tabs too when I received my order. No there are no nitrites or ammonia in my tank. I was just reading on many sites to keep the nitrates below 20ppm to get the shrimp to reproduce more and to keep baby shrimp alive it should be below 15ppm, so I am presuming that is the issue. Before using Easy Green when my nitrates were almost nil, I still had the same kind of fish and I did have a couple of baby shrimp, so I am figuring that since my nitrates went up, that could possibly be the problem. Thank you both for your replies.
  15. Hi I have a 50 gallon mixed tank with 9 Cherry Shrimp, 12 Neons, 2 Pencil Fish, 2 Green Fire Tetras, 4 Chilis, 6 Otos, 2 Hillstream Loaches, 3 Mystery and 2 Rabbit Snails. I was using Flourish months ago with Potassium and Iron but nothing was happening as far as plant growth went, my Nitrates refused to budge from around 0-10ppm. So I purchased Easy Green, plus the test strips a little over a month ago. Using Easy Green once a week my plants started growing well. The only thing is that I did lose a couple of larger Shrimp and a couple of Mystery Snails the last couple of weeks. My Nitrates were staying at 25ppm. I tried just a water column cleaning without cleaning the substrate but that didn't help, it stayed at 25ppm. I read on different websites from people who raised Neo Shrimp that my Nitrates should be below 20ppm and if I wanted for the shrimp to breed, then it has to be below 15ppm! When using Flourish I did notice I did have a couple of Baby Shrimp and also Flourish didn't grow plants very well and my Nitrates were pretty well at 0! This weekend I did a water change and did vacuum the substrate and it is now down to below 25ppm on the Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips which is great but now I am worried about using the Easy Green if it bumps my Nitrates back up to 25ppm! If that is indeed what is causing my shrimp not to breed and a couple of deaths! I know I do overfeed a bit too as I have so many different species in my tank, one likes this kind of food, one likes the other, etc. I only feed once a day. I also have a Bladder and Ramshorn problem brought in by a plant. I did buy 3 Dwarf Pea Puffers that are in a 20 gallon planted tank right now, that I heard will eat the pest snails and hopefully leave everyone else alone. Supposedly they do except for maybe the big Mystery Snails and I might have to move them out. But supposedly they are fine with Neo Shrimp, but will eat baby shrimp if they see them. Also although I have read they should be in a species tank a lot of people, also seen on you tubes, have them in a community tank and they are totally fine. If not they will have to return to their own tank! I have lots of plants, a large piece of wood through the middle of the tank and rocks; so hoping there will be peace lol. So not sure what to do about keeping the plants healthy and growing well and what fertilizer should I use? Go back to Flourish with very low Nitrogen in it, along with Potassium and Iron (I have an Iron test kit), or try Easy Green again and see if it raises the Nitrates too much? Any ideas and thank you for any replies.
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