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Posts posted by bcflowerlady

  1. Cyndi she must have come pregnant. Mystery snails are either male or female and you would need a pair. Mine breed even when they are smaller, at less tha 1 yr old. She would lay an egg case at the waterline then the babies would hatch from there. If you do not want any more just take the cases away. I freeze mine to kill the embryos. I' d need to seeba picture of the babies to say if they are mystery snail babies.

    I put crushed coral in my tanks so there is enough calcium carbonate in the water for the babies and her shells to develop. They like celery and other vegertables. Parboil them first or nuke them for a short time to soften them. I sell my extras on Kijiji.

  2. Welcome to the NERMhood Adam. Looking forward to seeing the progress on your 75.

    I'm Pamela. I started with a male Betta and a 1g tank. I now have 11 tanks between 2.5 and 55g with 14 different spieces of fish and 1 shrimp. All tanks are planted. No Co2.

    I found Corey through Mike at AquaPros and have been with him ever since. Just became a member. Lots of knowledgable members, great topics and tidbits of wisdom here. Enjoy!

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  3. Wow... Just looking at the surface of Google indicates they are supposed to be peaceful. I wonder if you just got the Vlad the Impaler version. Maybe try garlic? A wooden stake through the heart? Plastic floating fish suctioned to the bottom with line?

    Hope you find a tank mate.

    • Haha 1
  4. @Cory @Ben Ellison I keep her in 55g. The only fish she bickers with is her male partner. It is a bit of a busy tank with 5 adult Dwarf Neon Rainbows, 2 juvenile Dennison Barbs, three adult Yoyo loaches, a breeding colony of Hillstreams and 3 Rummy Noses.

    Once my 14 female bettas in my 30g are quarantined I can move her in with them. That would be quieter. Or I can remove the male to a 35g male guppy tank immediately. Would removing her mate cause more or less stress I wonder?

  5. I was able to listen to a live stream live for the first time as I was cleaning and changing the water in my 4-10g, 30g betta sorority and 55g med fish community tanks. Changed out a hang on back filter on one of the 10's to a bigger better version. I use my HOB for water polishing mostly though most have sponge, matrix media and floss in them.

    Just have my 2-3g shrimp tank and betta tank. Then the weekly routine is complete. Moved all my juvenile male guppies from the project tanks to the male guppy tank so the choice males can carry on.

    Did my 35g male guppy tank yesterday and my 20g tetra tank yesterday.

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  6. My female Angel Fish has a tumor on her gill. My research seems to indicate that causes for tumors are hard to diagnose other than thyroid tumors. From the pictures of thyroid tumors I don't think this is what it is. I have watched tumor removals on The Fish Doctors channel. Fish Vets are hard to come by. 

    Anyone have any experience? How long do you think we have? Anything I can do to help her out?



  7. I have watched a video when Cory and Dean were discussing Peru. Appears Otocinclus are schooling catfish in the wild and can be found in groups of hundreds to a thousand. I imagine that having 20 has triggered their herd instinct. I'd love to see some pictures. I imagine they are quite the sight all together.

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  8. 12 hours ago, tmackenzie said:

    ... experience with Hillstream loaches.


    I answered your question without quoting so don't know if you will get notification. My Hillstreams interact with each other all the time, so I would get three instead of one. Females have a squarish abdomen while males are more triangular. Try to get 2 females and 1 male. Maybe they will breed for you.

  9. Good morning. My Hillstream loaches live in a tank(s) that are around 22-25C (72-77F) They adore rocks or something that resembles rocks. Rachel O'Leary has a thriving breeding colony in a tank full of flattened clay tubes. I have watched videos Cory has done where he has them in tanks that are planted without rocks, commenting Hillstreams are very adaptable and will live in many environments. They do require great water quality, so make sure you keep up on your water changes.


  10. Joe, is my lap cat. He runs the house and is the main watcher of the fish. Alice is our giant gecko. She was 7g when we got her. She is almost 100g now and 8.5 inches long. Everyone will need to turn the last two sideways to see Honey my tuxedo seal point. I still have to request permission to pet her. Such a queen. Lastly is Fiest my Mack Snow special needs leopard gecko. She was in an accident as a yougster and is a below knee amputee. She needs a quick bath every 2 days to stay healthy.







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  11. Greetings from Kamloops B.C. MTS sufferer here with 10 tanks totalling 180g.

    Tanks include a 35g full of fancy male guppies, a 20g tetra glo fish tank with glo tetras, blue and red tetras, otocinclus, a female plakat betta and albino corydoras. A 55g with angels, dennison barbs, rummynose tetra, yoyo loaches, dwarf neon rainbows and a breeding colony of hillstream loaches. A 30g with 14 female Thai bettas just obtained as an established sorority.  Three 10g with fancy guppy breeding projects. A 10g with 2 fancy goldfish that will be moving up as they grow. A 2.5g with golden shrimp and a 2.5g with a crown tail betta named Sampson.




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