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Nate Duncan

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  1. Do you guys have rainbow shiners? guess they don’t monitor this anymore.
  2. Have a trio of Daisy’s blue rice fish and Pygmy cats. Looking at a pair of Apistogramma agassizii gold fire red to my 20 long. Adding another cave on the left. Curious if anyone has any insight on keeping them together? I’d assume it would be fine, but asking first.
  3. I did have a pair, but must have been neurological issue. He died the following day.
  4. Sorry for the quality, had to upload it as a gif. Wild stuff haha. Since yesterday he does this weird back and forth twitch movement now he does it all the time, not just when grazing. Besides that he’s normal, eats and plays around with the Female still. I did rescape the tank, only thing thing that changed, water is still 0,0,0
  5. I added an airstone and they haven’t done it since.
  6. Yeah I know the Hydrogen peroxide doesn’t, that’s another question for BBA. 6 is the recommended for shoaling behavior, I prefer the 1 male for 2 females for breeding. They didn’t have 2 females, they’re definitely not scared a heavy planted tank and floating plants are key. I added an airstone and they’ve since are acting normal. Might have to rethink my out flow.
  7. My established 20 long, I bought a pair of Forktails yesterday and noticed last night and today they graze the surface, my tank has good amount of plants, I did trim. I didn’t see them doing that at the store. They also seem to swim right in the flow. My stock is 2 HG’s, 8 Pygmy’s, 2 Otto’s some shrimp. Have a Fluval 307. Doesn’t seem like 02 issue but maybe I’m wrong? I have good surface agitation. on BBA I’ve been fighting it, yesterday I did a 4ML hydrogen peroxide 3% on 1 gallon of water for 20 mins and today it’s still not turning red. Did I miss something? Haha edit; I did not dose in the tank, I took plants out. thanks!
  8. Yeah after reading more about it I just rather not have that worry of exploding haha.
  9. Yeah I ended up passing on it. Just bought a new one anyways haha. Yeah they had snakes only, but I passed on it. Haha
  10. Only difference I see is the front plastic part has a lip. For the mesh lid, which I’d toss. Everything else is the same. Just not sure if this is a “reptile” specific and any change to the silicone or something you know? I see no difference from my other 20 long, except the top plastic. Glass thickness I measures the same as well.
  11. I can get this 20 long for free, the plastic lid is different, but curious if these are built any different than the regular open top 20 longs for aquariums? also, it’s dirty haha I’d assume vinegar is the best cleaning option here? thanks!
  12. I’m asking if she’s pregnant. Lol
  13. Have two of them so far that look like this. Just well fed or egg bound?
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