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Posts posted by EggShappedFish

  1. I have been keeping an eye out for what people think about 3D printing for aquariums.

    There used to be mixed feelings about PLA, the most common 3D printer fillament, not considered aquarium safe. Some said it was dangerous, others said it was safe. Some say that PLA may lose some strength in the long run.

    Have these standings moved, now that people have had a chance to test things out and maybe have had 3D printed stuff in their tanks for some time?

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  2. On 2/12/2024 at 12:12 AM, Tony s said:

    Depending on cleaner of course

    This is actually a good point that I was just looking into after posting here. Soap is not just soap. If I had used real door soap or proper cleaner soap it might have been worse. But I had just used dish cleaning soap that is made to just rinse clean. To be fair, many here don't even rinse the soap be for drying the dishes! So I don't expect it to be quite as critical as I'd fear. 

  3. On 2/11/2024 at 11:27 PM, Tony s said:

    Best when cleaning tank, just use water

    Yeah, I actually only washed a few spots where I was going to glue some filter parts with silicone, and I knew that there had been algae growth at those areas. I really only used a lightly soaped sponge to clean the area let it dry, and forgot everything about it!

    On 2/11/2024 at 11:34 PM, Tlindsey said:

    @EggShappedFish I suggest sterilize aquariums with part bleach and water and rinse out. The traces of Chlorine from beach will be a issue once dechlorinator is added to aquarium water. 

    Yeah I usually use hydrogen peroxide because it just breaks down into to water after a while, but this time I wanted to clean it so that silicone would stick properly.
    I will do a couple of large water changes to flush the system out, and hope that I get most of it!

  4. On 2/10/2024 at 2:53 PM, face said:

    Ok there’s 2 common things that cause ph to be different in tap water 

    the first is co2 you have a certain amount in the air if you have more in your water the ph will be lower if you have less it will be higher this is more common in well, water, or places which have a dramatically different temperature than indoors.

    The second is the city doing something to the water in your case they’re adding probably sodium hydrate it’s a very very strong alkaline substance The pH will quickly decline to where the natural buffering capacity of water is 

    Better understand this we often think about buffering in water being carbonate and bicarbonate, but that’s only buffering against acid any base would increase the ph but with carbonate comes carbonic acid carbonic acid is a acidic buffer. It prevents pH going up and you equal parts of it at a set ph/co2 level so if your ph is higher that the buffer in your water it will go down until it stabilizes 

    As for if  this is a problem imo no and heavily planned tanks ph shifts every day by one in lakes, it’s not uncommon for that to happen to in fact, in deeply lakes it’s not uncommon for you to get stratification where the ph can be 4on the bottom and 8 on the top sometimes like that 

    That's some very interrsring reading! Thanks for the info. I need to go through it a few times to truly digest it, as I am not very strong in chemistry. 

    I live in a country where we only use well water in our taps. I have always assumed that the bubbles that are in our water was oxygen but it may actually be CO2!? It some times is quite a lot to a degree where I have devised a tube to remove a lot of the bubbles when refilling the tank.

    If i had the space, I'd age the water as Tony describes, but I have 720lit (190gal) and do weekly water changes so it would require a lot of space that I don't have. 

  5. On 2/10/2024 at 10:56 AM, Tony s said:

    My lfs isn’t concerned about them around 80

    80 is pretty high though. High nitrates are not dangerous, but bad in the long run. LFS don't stress the nitrates because the fish are only meant to be with them until they are sold and hopefully that is pretty fast. This is also why one never should compare how fish are kept in LFS to their actual needs. It's just a temporary stay. For nitrates, I've always gone with a max of 20 for nitrates. Higher values are not lethal like high levels of ammonia or nitrates but they will still stress the fish and inhibit growth 

  6. From my experience, goldfish are complete drama queens especially when stressed! I can some times move them from one group into an other, without them apparently even noticing but other times, if the light comes from an angle that they are not used to, they'll swim sideways for several days!

    Keep an eye on it, but otherwise let it rest. It should recover within a day or two if everything else is fine.

    What is more concerning is the "something happened and I had three fish die overnight"part..
    That could be something I'd be more worried about than it not balancing well after a drop and I wouldn't be sure that moving to a different tank is entirely enough to call it safe

  7. On 2/9/2024 at 7:18 PM, Schuyler said:

    what's the coolest thing you've made recently?

    Thanks, and thanks for asking!

    I feel like a project that i have been working on and optimising for the past year must be the one I'd have to show. It's a filtration system built out of sewage pipes for my fancy goldfish tank.



    The middle 5 tubes were filled with filter media (ceramic rings) and the outter 4 were filled with gradually finer PPI sponges and fiber filter. I used powerheads to move 1000lit/h (220gal/h) through each pipe as well as run two canister filters that both poured their outlet into the middle pipe. I am pretty proud of this, mainly because it worked really well, but besides the Super Mario feel to it, it did not look really all that nice. I have actually emptied this tank in order to treat the fish for gill flukes, and rebuilding the filtration to look better (and maybe be not quite as oversized). We'll see how it turns out when all parts arrive.

    This is a picture of the filter that I am building in it at the moment.


    1706968871801.jpg.697900258cd3c869e60a58254985fd55.jpg 1706914936041.jpg.b1568ebd413cd96d8efe7fcac5749988.jpg

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  8. Hello all

    I have recently decided to give up on Facebook, Instagram and Reddit, but realised that along with all the toxicity, I also cut out a lot of the better stuff, like the groups of people that share the same passions as I. Therefore I am very happy to see that forums are still around if not better than what they used to be!

    I have had fishtanks since the 90s although with periods where I was not able to keep fish. I have some experience with many types of fresh water fish, but at I feel that I have settled on fancy goldfish.

    I love DIY solutions and my style is:

    • Maybe I could make this better
    • This is not made for this, but maybe it could work
    • If it works it works. It does not also have to be pretty

    I love creating content, sharing updates and ideas of what I am doing and trying to present it in an interesting way. I loved Instagram for this, but I haven't posted anything there since November (when META forced us in the EU to choose between targeted ads, or ad-free experience for €10 a month per profile!). Instead I am working on a blog that might become something at some point. It's not here yet though.

    On the side, I like messing graphics, logos, video editing etc.

    I also like helping others, and I love not only learning new things, but especially being proven wrong because then I learn something new that  I thought was correct. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing the hobby with all of you.

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