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  1. I was thinking about just doing what I had planned which is 3 honey gouramis, 1 female Pearl, opaline or powder blue gourami (depending on which one I can find), 10 neon tetras, 5-6 emperor tetras and 6 panda corydoras. Idk if that will be over stocked or not but I’m wondering if I should get some more kinds of tetras like maybe a school of rummynose or ember tetras.
  2. I’ve also been recommended to do 3 honey gourami along with the tetras and corydoras. Would 3 dwarf honey gourami (females), 10 rummynose tetras, 10 neon tetras (or ember tetras), 1 apistogramma (unless they need to be in pairs, and would a female be best?), and 6 corydoras work well for the tank? Or is that over stocked? I’m also ordering 10 different species of live plants in a bundle which will have multiples of those species so hopefully the tank will be full of plants.
  3. I’m new to this forum so I’m not sure which topic this would fall under but I joined because I’d like help finding a good stocking idea for my planted 40gal breeder tank. I was thinking about having a female gourami (maybe a powder blue dwarf one) or female betta as the centerpiece fish and some tetras and bottom dwellers but I’m not sure how many tetras or fish would go with it. I’d like multiple different kinds so maybe a school of neon tetras and a school of ember tetras with some corydoras (maybe panda) but I don’t want to accidentally overstock or get fish that aren’t compatible together. These are my parameters and tank info: PH: 7.0-7.6 (around 7.2) Ammonia: 0-0.25ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5.0-10ppm Temp: 78-80F Plants in tank currently: Anubias, Java Fern, Hornwort & a mystery plant I got 2 years ago but I forgot the name of it (it’s attached to the rock in the left side) -Planted, has driftwood, rocks, rock hides, aquaponics on the top and bamboo on the top All and any advice/criticism is much appreciated. I don’t plan on adding fish until I fish getting all the plants in and I know the plants are alive and thriving in the tank so maybe in 1-2 months but I’d like to prepare so I can make sure the tank is suitable for the fish. Also currently I do have a male betta in the tank (he’s 6-7 years old) but only because recently it was given to me by a family member that moved to a place that didn’t allow pets (even fish) and it was my only cycled tank that fit the needs for the betta perfectly. Which is another reason I won’t be adding fish anytime soon because the betta in there most likely won’t live too much longer considering how old he is so to make sure he doesn’t get stressed and enjoy his retirement home to himself, no new fishies anytime soon.
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