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  1. I have seachem stability and been adding it as the cycle goes continues.
  2. New member here. I have a 15 gallon tank that has been established and just upgraded to a 40 gallon planted breeder for well over a year. I haven't cycled a tank in a long time so ive kind of forgotten how to do it. I came here because facebook groups were telling me one thing then someone comes in and says that's not how you do it or whatever so I decided to come here. I started cycling my tank (fishless) about 2 weeks ago I initially started seeding it with some used filter floss from the 15 gallon tank of mine. My test result for today read .50 ppm for ammonia 2ppm for nitrite and 10-20 ppm to nitrate. Where I'm confused is adding ammonia and how much I should keep adding. I've heard several things add it till 2ppm or add it til 4ppm. Should I not worry about nitrates until the nitrites go down to zero along with ammonia. If I keep adding ammonia nitrites will go off the chart is that ok while cycling a tank will the nitrates eventually get rid of the nitrites? People. On Facebook all contradict each other and I don't wanna make the wrong decision and make the process longer. Any input would be appreciated
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