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Everything posted by Kunersbettas

  1. Purchasing a single Rosy barb when I was 9
  2. I will do one as soon as possible, but that would have to be Saturday. Very busy. I am a student that works on campus and doesn't return home until late. But I will try for Saturday or Friday night. As for the test results, everything came up as the minimum, 0ppm on Nitrate, trite, and ammo. My test kit may be expired. The aquarium smells like your typical aquarium smell. Slightly earthy/planty with a hint of...fish.
  3. No fertilizers. Lights come on at 6 AM -8 AM, then 4PM - 9PM. My Nitrite, Nitrate, and Ammonia have all historically been very low. I will retest and reply. The tank has been running for 1.5 years at this point, the pleco went missing a few months back. Algae types are brown (panes, some plants), Black spot (anubias leaves), and I think conferva (java fern). I will take a new water test now.
  4. I have a 54-Gallon bowfront that has been infested with an insane amount of algae. The fish are as follows: 1 Ropefish 4 Rainbowfish (3 Turquoise, 1 hybrid) 1 angelfish 1 SAE My angelfish's fins are just decimated, not sure if it was caused by the other fish. My filter (an underwater canister, pretty poor performance) is soon to be replaced by an EHEIM canister filter. The tank is very heavily planted, so I doubt ammonia is the culprit. On a side note, I previously have had 2 bristlenose plecos, and both have mysteriously vanished without a trace. The first disappearance occurred with a smaller female within her first 3 days, then, months later when I got a large male (3 inches), I would see him for 3 weeks, then he too, vanished. Most people would blame the ropefish, but he simply doesn't have a big enough mouth to swallow either, and being armored cats, he should have died eating them. If the male is a carcass lying around rotting, that would be cause for an ammonia spike, but there is so much plant matter, I don't see how that makes sense. If a potential spike was the cause for the angelfish's loss of finnage, why are the rainbowfish unharmed. I will remove the angelfish from the tank nevertheless. I have tried every algae eater that is a substantial size, and while the SAE is doing fine, he doesn't eat any algae off the panes, and barely cleans the plants. If anyone could suggest a solution, this would be really helpful. My tank is a mess. I'm a mess right now too. (currently dealing with a family crisis and uncertainty about my education moving forward. If any of my brothers and sisters in Christ on the forum see this, please be praying for me and the tank) Other info: Ph: 8 Water temp: mid 70's Nicrew plant spectrum light. Here are some pictures, any help means the world to me right now.
  5. Hi @Whitecloud09! Sorry for my recent inactivity. Lots going on. That's great! I appreciate your dedication for progress. Keep up the good work!
  6. 54 GALLON UPDATE! Just got second Ropefish, Omar. Crazy story, but when I was carrying his bag, it dropped and burst...in a supermarket. Don't ask. Quickly moved him to a 32 oz. cup and got his bag resealed. What a trip! Now he is safe in his new home.
  7. Good! When you've finished, just slap it into the Doc or I can add it for you.
  8. Either one works. You could type it directly onto the section or you could send me the separate document and I could paste it in. That section will be pretty big. Either way, people will be able to see the info and make suggestions.
  9. And here is the section for the curators to say a word themselves! I hope everyone who curates will add their words! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bes_5VjWJu-WTRBFJ-GFrUgg4iEHHGOt-M6J2qJCj30/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Here is the link to the Troubleshooting Section: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AZhJ9E7Cu08jx-iPC_t87xephAsHG41LNhpLmcscHL0/edit?usp=sharing
  11. Here is the link to the Stocking and Social Section: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F0pbGocptYu22hs5hjJH8pDbqO0HPi6crLNWL43VftY/edit?usp=sharing Here is the link to the Species section: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lOF1OG53abmKfSA3rc4MOFAWdijJ-o1rA81AcAdYsFw/edit?usp=sharing
  12. Here is the link to the Natural Processes section: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nqx-DVhOQyJWzw9zLeCcdxfaQBCAmc8F4xv0f0pJ1_4/edit?usp=sharing Here is the link to the Setting up the Aquarium Section: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ph8JI0jnxWsaKHxjgfEFi8e-fqD3HLLR4X1rYD05Ny0/edit?usp=sharing
  13. And I ask that if you have written a section to make it public for commenting and post the link to this thread.
  14. 5 x 8 it is! I will open a new Document on Docs for each of the sections.
  15. Hey everyone! Back from vacation and I just want to say that these pictures are incredible! Keep up the good work, and I will try my best to organize this project!
  16. Oh, no rush. I was talking to the person who corrected me on killifish. I probably should have mentioned him.
  17. Okay then. I will correct that on the outline. Would you like to write a section?
  18. I think Cory has them in one of his videos, let me see if I can find it.
  19. I would consider a small group of kuhli loaches, unless you want to try something new. In that case, perhaps a rainbow goby?
  20. Maybe you could get a dwarf chain loach?
  21. Fahrenheit. Celsius at that temp may cause the wood to catch fire.
  22. Yes, a great fish, please do! The only unnatural way I've seen them die is when the heater thermostat breaks and the temp rises to 90F 😅. Even then, one made it!
  23. My thoughts exactly! Unless we can get around 80+ pictures, 5 x 8 would be best, and cheaper.
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