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Everything posted by HoosierJeff

  1. The 25 would be just fine for that. I figured it would also be ok for my Betta, but got the 50 to have more options down the line. Enjoy your setup!
  2. @_Eric_ FYI, I got an Oase BioCompact 50 for my Betta's 5 gallon. Love it. It is hard to fathom how tiny it is until you see the box and then pull the filter out. Went with the 50 to have a bit more filter media space. I used the included sponge on the one side, and filled both "pill box" compartments with Seachem Matrix. I have the flow turned down about 50% for my Betta's comfort. There is still a wee bit of plant movement on the far end of the tank, but he isn't fleeing the flow at all, so I don't think he's bothered by it. Ended up liking it so much that I bought a second to setup an un-used 5 gallon tank. I have that one on full flow while it cycles, and want to leave it like that once I stock so I can enjoy the flowing Val. The filters are super quiet, with only a slight hum audible near the tank. I ended up attaching a metal plate to the back of the filter, and attaching a metal plate on the outside of the tank. I popped a few small magnets on the outside plate, which then holds the filter in place, allowing me to grab the filter in and out without messing with the suction cups. The metal plate arrangement transferred a bit more hum noise, so I super glued a thin layer of rubber to the metal plate on the back of the filter and that absorbs the hum and silenced it. I hope that makes sense. I love not messing with suction cups when I pull the filter out to clean it. Let me know if you want more input on the BioCompact 50 or the magnet system I made up.
  3. Thank you! Both of these are on my "interest" list, but I am a bit concerned about the flow for them. In your experience, is that an issue?
  4. Thank you for the input! I've actually really been thinking about the chili rasbora. Haven't kept them before. My concern is the flow. I can always turn it down a bit if needed, I suppose. What is the flow situation in your wife's tank?
  5. I have lids on a couple of my tanks, but just love the shimmer of light without a lid, and want to try a couple in my family room without lids. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll put them back on. But if I can find fish I like that aren’t jumpers and keep up with evaporation and temp control, I’d like to try without lids. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  6. (Are these requests allowed? If not, feel free to remove. Thank you!) Hi, folks. I just setup a 5 gallon nano tank. I moved a fair amount of Val and some stem plants from my other tanks. I’ll attach a picture, but won’t stock it until it is done cycling and the plants have grown in more. (It isn’t really “heavily planted” yet, but should be considerably more so in a month.) I’m hoping to not use a heater or lid, but will for the right fish. There is a small internal filter (Oase BioCompact 50) that creates a moderate flow that I’d like to keep. And obviously it is a small tank. Can you help me think of stocking options? It seems to be a tricky combo I’m after. I’d like to not do a shrimp-only tank (although I’ll move some cherry shrimp from my other tanks once this one is ready). I already have a betta tank (and obviously this setup isn’t suitable for a betta). I have CPD’s and white cloud mountain minnows in another tank. I’m not looking for a pea puffer at the moment. With all that info…what stocking suggestions do you have? I look forward to your input and learning about what you suggest I consider. Jeff
  7. Thanks. Just ordered a BioCompact 50 and will report back with my experiences.
  8. Wonderful, @Bill. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.
  9. @Bill How is that BioCompact working out? I’m on the hunt for a small internal filter for a 5 gallon betta setup (pretty heavily planted.) I am drawn to the Oase BioCompact because the flow rate is adjustable, however, I’m more inclined to go with the 50 (over the 25) to have the additional media space for more biological filtering. And I’m curious how the noise level has been for you? Thank you!
  10. @_Eric_ Did you end up getting that Oase BioCompact? I tried the Tidal 35, and flow was perfect on slow for my Betta, but it was making a constant rattling noise. Seachem sent a replacement impeller, and it was the same issue. I bought a second Tidal 35 to see if it was better, but same issue. Grr. Currently using a sponge filter still. Thinking about the Oase BioCompact (though would likely do the 50 to have more media space), a small Nicrew internal one, or a Sicce Nano Micron. I like the media space of the Nicrew, but it doesn’t have adjustable flow. The Nano Micron has adjustable flow, but it looks like smaller space for media. Hence the Oase BioCompact 50…a bit larger, but I think the space is well used to accommodate more media, and it has adjustable flow which I want. So many options, and none of them seem quite perfect.
  11. Thank you for this! I assume you use it and are happy with it?
  12. Thanks for the input @nabokovfan87! I tried a variety of water levels with the Tidal 35 (before I returned it) to see if that was the issue, and no dice. Same noise. I saw a variety of online comments about it getting quiet after a couple months, but didn’t have a couple months to wait it to quiet down. The Marina you mentioned is one I’ve had my eyes on as a viable option. Thanks for the upvote for it! Thank you @Stef! I’ll give that one a solid a look.
  13. Oh, wow. I would not have expected that to cut it for 10 gallons! Yes, I—as Cory says—hotrod my HOB filters so won’t bother with filter cartridges. Thanks for the recommendation. The Petart ones are pretty quiet, it I’m pretty sensitive to sounds and can’t stand hums/rattles in my bedroom.
  14. Greetings, folks. Still trying to solve some filtration frustrations. Have a couple 10 gallons in bedrooms and a 5 gallon nano tank I am reconsidering filtration on. Currently using sponge filters but hate the air pump noises and think some flow would be nice. One of the 10 gallons is home to betta, so adjustable flow is a must. Tried and returned two Tidal 35’s because of impeller racket. Searched even sent me a replacement impeller that made no difference. Have a Tetra Whisper IQ 30 on my 20 gallon and it is nice and quiet. Tried the 20 gallon model and it wasn’t anywhere near as quiet. I’d really like the motor to be in the tank, though silence without that feature is worth it. What should I try, folks?! Thanks for your input!
  15. Thanks! I've tried these Tetra filters. The 30 gallon one is running silently and beautifully on my 20 gallon tank. Tried the 20 gallon model on a different 10 gallon tank, and it made a horrible but subtle buzz/hum sound that I couldn't handle. Returned it and am back to a sponge filter in that tank using this Hygger pump (the 2w version.) It is MUCH quieter than the Tetra Whisper pump I'd tried. Curious to see how it does over time.
  16. Thank you! That looks like a good option for me to check out. Thanks so much for the recommendation! Yes! I've watched this video and seems to be the only real solution out there. I'm not comfortable stuffing the pump housing with batting or other material (as some videos shows), but have tried this. Did it with the little nano USB ones, and it helped some. Haven't tried it with a larger pump yet, but I appreciate you sending this along!
  17. Thank you for that! So tiny. Do you have any experience with that model?
  18. Thanks for the link to this! Makes a ton of sense. I had always thought the water in the filter when the power goes out should be sufficient, but, then again, I’m new to the hobby, so thought maybe there was more to it. That said, I do *really* appreciate the noise reduction of having the motor and what-not in the tank rather than where I hear it more.
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