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  1. Could you give your water parameters? This helps determine what fish would work well in your tank. I have pearl gouramis in my 60 gallon with a red spotted Severum, an Indian peacock eel, some keyhole cichlids, roseline sharks, angelfish, and glass catfish fish.
  2. I just picked up a 29 gallon (also needed for a future project) as quarantine. Found some Maracyn two, and expel p. Thank you again for your help.
  3. If I get a 20 gallon quarantine tank, can I move the fish to there and treat them? Or do you think the parasites would be breeding in the 60 gallon, meaning I have to treat the bigger tank? It uses way more meds to treat the larger tank.
  4. It could be that he developed a tumor, especially if he was older. How old was he? Unfortunately, bettas don’t live very long. The weight of the mass could have contributed to the strange swimming pattern. - hope this helps.
  5. - sorry for your loss do you have pictures before he died? Pictures help a lot when it comes to identifying diseases.
  6. It seems that maracyn two is not easily available, are there any other medications you can think of that would be good for this?
  7. Ok, thank you! I’ll try to pick some up tomorrow!
  8. Will it dye the 60 gallon any strange colors or anything? Is it safe for the display tank?
  9. Meds I have on hand: fritz coppersafe api super ick cure bettafix melafix (somewhere, I think) Tetra life guard the problem is that the fish don’t seem sick before hours before death. I don’t want to medicate fish that aren’t sick.
  10. KH - 40ppm GH - 75 ppm pH - 6.8 Nitrate - 15 temperature - 82 what filtration have - Marineland filter (not exactly sure which one bc this was an older filter I had for another tank, but I believe it was rated for up to 75 gallons, it’s a HOB) you notice any rapid breathing - less rapid breathing, more like there gills were kind of stuck open? hanging out near the surface - yes, but once about to die, they swim back to the bottom lethargy - yes flashing - not that I could tell spitting food - not eating erratic swimming - no sunken belly - yes, this guppy was very large before, and then was much skinnier hope this answers your questions, thank you for helping - Lillypad
  11. Hi all! Since about 2 weeks ago, some fish in the 60 gallon died. I tested the water and everything seems fine - 0 ammonia and less than .25 nitrite. The tank was cycled well before I got the fish. I’ve never really saw what the fish looked like before they died - until today. The picture below is a female guppy. The fish look fine, and then suddenly die in a matter of hours. I’ve lost 3 baby angels, a pearl gourami, a German blue ram, and a glass catfish, all without showing previous symptoms. They all eat happily, and swim normally. There are not many live plants in there for now, but there is driftwood, and I plan on getting plants soon. I just added a Bolivian and German blue ram, without quarantine (I know, bad choice) I saw some spots, so I thought ich, but then the whole tank would have it? The biggest quarantine tank I have now is a 5.5 gallon. I feed everyday with a variety of foods: Fluval Bug Bites, Repashy Superfoods, Hikari sinking pellets, frozen brine, etc. the tank is at 82 degrees, and is filtered. The tank has been running since the end of September (maybe the 28th or something). I added the fish when the cycle was finished. The first fish were the pair of guppies from my 20 long, the second fish were added about a week after the guppies, and they were the 3 glass cats, 2 roseline sharks, and 4 pearl gouramis added at once. Then 2 weeks later the 12 angelfish, then just last week or two, the rams. I know I should have quarantined them, and that the disease probably came from them. I do a 40% water change every two weeks, but since the tank has a mesh lid, I have to top it off every 3 days. Thanks in advance! (the guppy has unfortunately died, the second picture is if the guppy’s tail after death)
  12. Just added a Bolivian ram and a German blue ram. Not sure if I want to add the flame tetras now. They may stay in the 20 gallon. Edit: Angelfish are also all doing good.
  13. I just ordered a bunch of different live foods: microworms, black worms, vinegar eels, red wigglers, brine shrimp, seed shrimp, grindal worms, infusoria, and blood worms I am now reconsidering breeding the angelfish when they get bigger. I got flame tetras (5) that are in quarantine currently. if anyone has tips on how to culture these live foods, feel free to chime in
  14. I don’t think I’ll breed the angelfish, as the babies require a larger grow out tank than most fry that I don’t have. I did just order a large variety of new love foods though, so I may consider when the angelfish become if breeding age.
  15. I actually added the angelfish to the 60 gallon early because they seemed to be doing well. They are now doing very well in the 60. I just got some flame tetras, but they’re going through quarantine. They will be added either to the 60 or the 20.
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