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  1. I am not using any carbon but have read the same. I’m going to look closer at the roots and add a tab. See if they help it move in the right direction.
  2. In May I purchased Val Torta from Dustin’s fish tanks as I heard good things. They went in my newly established 65 gallon along with swords, Java fern and anubias a friend gave me. They have really struggled and I can’t figure out why because I thought they were an easy plant. My parameters and pics are below. Any thoughts? I’m considering trying again but maybe should skip that specific Val. It’s hard to see the second bunch of Val in the back behind the rocks next to air bubbles. Temp is 75, lights 8 hrs day, easy green fertilizer 2x week, CaribSea ecocomplete substrate
  3. @nabokovfan87 @ColuThe substrate is CaribSea eco complete gravel. Temp is 77, dkH measured about 5 and dgH was about 5 as well. My quarantined Cory didn’t make it but luckily the rest of the tank is doing great. Question on my quarantine tank. I’ve read to sanitize everything with a diluted bleach solution. Can I also sanitize my sponge filter with this and put it back in my main tank? I was going to throw it out but it would save money if I can sanitize and re-use.
  4. @Colu thanks for the quick response. I ended up putting up a 5 gallon quarantine tank and separating the fish because the ich-x is not arriving until tomorrow. Today the white spot remained with a small red area now present on the same part of the tail closest to the body. Even with the fish removed, do you think I need to treat the main tank? All the other fish appear healthy to this point and water parameters are still good.
  5. Hi everyone. I just noticed a small area of fuzz on my albino Cory’s tail . The 65 gallon tank has 6 other albinos and 10 cardinal tetra. Everyone else looks and acts healthy. ph 7.8 nitrite and ammonia are 0 nitrate was 10 before the water change I did today I attached a few pics. Do you think this is ich or a fungal infection? I don’t have a quarantine tank. Suggestions on how to treat?
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