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  1. That seems a lot to set it up. What is your tank size and how many drops do you inject per seconds, or how many seconds do you inject one bubble? I can get an idea of reference.
  2. What's is atmospheric equilibrium? So I need to take a measure of PH before Co2 injection, and another measure after CO2 injection? In between, how long should I wait for it to take effect? Do you use test strip paper or API liquid test kit? In both cases, I feel those readings won't be exact, because basically you just eyeball the color and compare it with the 'standard' readings. Personally, I find it very in-precise to even get an accurate measure of those parameters. So a drop of 1-1.5 PH drop seems hard.
  3. Let's say I have a 5-gallon planted fish tank and I am using this attached bubble counter to measure CO2 rate. What's the normal rate I should use in injecting CO2 to tank? ChatGPT says 1 bubble 1 second and that seems very fast. Does the '1 bubble' the same as the one drop in this bubble counter? I usually control it as 1 drop every 15 seconds, but I actually what's the ideal rate of injection. Please see attached.
  4. If I want to do monthly water change, should I dose fertilizer significantly less than instructed on the product?
  5. Let's say if I dose easy weekly, do I need to change water weekly? Imagine I want to do a water change monthly, what's your recommendation of dosing easy green?
  6. In the above list, why isn't there potassium? It's very important, right?
  7. "For nitrogen, no. But yes for everything else. " Do you mean my tap water contains Phosphorus and potassium, but not nitrogen (nitrates)?
  8. I did another test with API kit. The leftmost is my tap water, and the rightmost is about 20ppm? The two in the middle are similar to to my tap water? It seems my tap water already contains nitrates 5-10ppm? I don't think it is 0 when compared to the colors on the kit. If it is already 5-10ppm, I don't need to dose fertilizer?
  9. Do you recommend the AC all in one fertilizer? I haven't used it.
  10. I just took a test of my tank using AC strip. Nitrate: 15-25 Gh: about 300 Kh: about 40 If I dose liquid fertilizer, will it affect nitrate only? But fertilizer also boosts calcium and potassium, so it will increase GH and KH. Right?
  11. When liquid fertilizer is dosed, which parameters are going to be affected among the three?
  12. But when I use AC test strip test it, the nitriates, KG, GH looks good. Do those reflect the right level of fertilizers in the tank? Or regardless of what parameters tests show, it always need additional dosing of fertilizers? And for a new tank, when should I start to dose fertilizers?
  13. I have a small tank, about 4 gallons. This is a new tank, and the 1st photo is in its 2nd month, looking good. But the 3rd month, the foreground plants is turning yellow, brown, and I guess it is going to be black. No significant parameters changed. I didn't dose any fertilizer, and given this is a new tank, I don't believe it is due to lack of fertifizer. Please help diagnosize and save my tank!
  14. @Mmiller2001 it would be really great if you can do a YouTube video introduction, and if you do it, please update here it. I am eager to watch! It sounds great.
  15. If you have a big tanks, or a few tanks, then this way seems complicated, and high cost. Is that right?
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