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  1. Is this glass or plastic material? I prefer glass. Thanks
  2. So weekly water change of 50% and also weekly dosing easy green? I will try that. I didn't do water change weekly and didn't use fertilizer much. Also where did you get the round fish ball? I like the shape.
  3. So how to increase No3? For example, COOP easy green fertilizer? By adding liquid fertilizer, I am afraid it will increase algae.
  4. Thanks. Are these values good for the red plant?
  5. For the Aqua coop lights, are they strong enough to grow very lighting demanding colorful plants? Such as AR? Also, all the lights are only 5700K. Doesn't any of them have 6500K spectrum? A range of 6500K to 7500K is generally considered ideal for planted tanks.
  6. Hi, thanks for all the reply. As for the water parameters, please see this test strip below. By looking at this, I can't exactly tell what value for each parameter. Usually, how do you determine values for such a test? According to this care guide, it seems it lacks calcium? https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/freshwater-aquarium-plants-guide/how-to-grow-ar If your plants are healthy (both new and old leaves) but the leaves are curled more than usual, try increasing calcium levels in the tank. Here are some related articles for further reading. But also, it does look like it needs stronger light? It's a 20 gallons tank and the light is Fluval Plant 3.0 LED Planted Aquarium Lighting, 22 Watts, 15-24 Inches.
  7. This tank was made about 3 months ago. Now it's very clear, almost algae free. But as you can see, the red plants look not healthy. It's almost dark red, but light red. Looks dry. It has Co2 injection. It's Alternanthera reineckii. It also has three times a week fertilizer dosing. What may be the issue causing this?
  8. My plants start to get black algae, the leaves turns black, like drying, and some of them get black thread algae. If I totally turns off the light for 1 week, can it fix this algae issue? My tank is 75gallon, has fishes, snails and shrimp. Please see the attached. I added 50 amana shrimps, but it helps little.
  9. I guess my problem was that one time I trimmed plants too much so algae started to grow and take over. I agree that lighting shouldn't be reduced.
  10. Based on description it seems hydrogen peroxide is effective, so sad to hear it is not working. I plan to use it and easy carbon as well. Most suggestions are lower lighting. But you suggested increase lighting. Is this a typo? Only reducing lighting helps? I will try too. Halving it is a lot though
  11. Just searched and seems to be able to kill long thread algae. But how to measure 3% solution? I usually guess or use eye-measurement. I am afraid it may kill my fishes. I have easy-carbon, will use this too but it may not be effective to treat this algae.
  12. My tank has an algae boom on plants' leaves and stems, green hair-like or thread like algae. It's very hard to get rid of from plants' stem or leaves. I can easily pull plants off from the soil when trying to removing thread algae. Does green killing machine kill this type of algae? What about easy-carbon? Amano shrimps are too small for this algae, I think. Just one single thread of algae is very long. How many shrimps can eat this single thread algae? Otocinclus catfish o is not famous for eating this algae either. Manual removal is hard, and they come back quickly. Please advice any solutions that may eliminate it.
  13. In that case, this little tank has a filter. Are these pale, gray stuff algae or not?
  14. What do you mean? It is not new tank. What is Wallstead?
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