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Everything posted by wildfish

  1. Beautiful honeys to add to your tank. Those are what I wanted originally and looking to get for friends for my wild honey. They are just so pretty 😍
  2. They only had the one remaining when I bought it and I thought it would be ok alone given my luck with past gourami, but not in this case. I feel like it's lonely and shy so he/she needs some friends. This thread has certainly helped me with figuring out what is true honey and what is not. I have it with rosy barbs and Pygmy corydora and the barbs are very peaceful and leave her/him alone, but they eat all the food and this one is quite picky turning it's nose up at flakes, pellets or frozen bloodworms unless it's super hungry. I often see if picking off the decor in the tank so it must be eating something lol. I just want a better living environment for him/her to be comfy 😊
  3. Beautiful. Thank you so much. This thread makes me happy to know I can find her a tank mate and help her come out if hiding now without having to wait to find wild ones 😊
  4. Thank you so much. I saw a LFS say dwarf honey gourami in a listing and thought it was a thing. I know the dwarfs are normally the blue with orange (as I've had those in the past and blue powder) and they can be quite aggressive so I don't want that. I'm happy to know that any variation of honey will work. Finding other wild ones is proving to be a challenge here on Vancouver Island. This LFS labelled a honey as a dwarf honey gourami and this is why I got confused. I definitely won't be mixing any other species with this one. While they say "peaceful" for gouramis, that is not the case with those others always lol. I've done ok with pearl in the past, but dwarf and blue powders can be meanies and I've had to rehome from bullying. I don't want that with this little one. He/She is so tiny right now ☺️ Any idea if mine is male or female? I'm having a hard time, but I think it may be female.
  5. I'm completely late to this party, but this is a great thread about gourami. 😊 I recently bought a wild honey gourami and they only had one left in the tank. I'm having the worst luck finding additional tank mates for this little baby. I think it's a girl, and she's so sweet but very young still. Can wild honey's live peacefully with regular or dwarf Honey's given they're both pretty small? She is extremely shy, and not eating a whole bunch (plucking at the decor mostly) and I just want to get her some friends so make her more confident.
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