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Posts posted by OriginalRainbowfish

  1. @dasaltemelosguy @Guppysnail @OnlyGenusCaps Very Interesting. My goodness went thru most of 18 pages of comments but didn’t see my question or it was on one of the few pages that I missed.  Sorry if this is a repeat then.  Once the bottle of seltzer is open the pressure is pretty much equal right or at least after a few hours.  Yes much higher than normal amounts of atmospheric CO2 but couldn’t this be replicated with bottled CO2?  Why can’t the same thing be done with an airstone on a ten pound CO2 tank inserted directly into the tank with plants unwanted snails and algae.  Obviously fish, any sponge filters with wanted bacteria or snails removed.  Just blast and keep measuring pH until it reaches a very low pH, like 3.5. Google says that’s the pH of at least a few Seltzer waters.  Yes all of the bacteria or most of it in the gravel will succumb so replacement bacteria from another tank will need to be added. I haven’t tried it and I didn’t see where any of you had tried it either.  Or did I miss that?  Is it not possible to put enough CO2 into the water to get it close enough to an opened seltzer bottle? There are some obvious advantages to bombing the entire tank. The seltzer is a great way for adding new plants but a tank that needs help needs the whole tank treatment and that adds up to a lot of seltzer.  
    Do you think this kills parasites too like Ich?  I saw the worm death images so figured it would easily kill any Camallanus worms. But Ich cysts might be tougher. And the dandy of them all Mycobacterium (TB). Tanks that are infected with Myco the suggestion is to just toss the plants destroy the fish, boil the gravel and start over.  Without that sort of treatment new fish added to the aquarium also come down with myco eventually.  That would be also worthy of an experiment.  





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