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Everything posted by zpayne10

  1. Yup, I know that even the "best" of the planted soils eventually run out and you need to supplement. Since I play to fertilize and supplement from the start, I wasn't too concerned. Maybe I'll look at a "compromise" option of getting Seachem Flourite or Caribsea Eco-Complete. I know they're also inert, but maybe being a more clay-like material gives me a higher beneficial bacteria?
  2. That looks great! My concern, too, is that if I went with something like stratum how it'l be when it breaks down. I don't want it to be something that I need to replace or cap regularly to compensate.
  3. I think I might take a page out of all the comments here - do a layer of stratum of 1-1.5", and then cap with a sand. I think a white sand would look great to contrast the green plants (since I will go pretty heavily planted).
  4. Thanks for the insight! I definitely want to do what will give me the most success, but also doesn't break the bank (i.e. is it really worth $200+ for Stratum)!
  5. Can I easily get away with something like this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Vigoro-0-5-cu-ft-Bagged-Pea-Gravel-Pebble-Landscape-Rock-54255/202523000 I like the natural look, and for $5 a bag you really can't beat it. I'll wash anything before it goes into a tank.
  6. Is there a hard-and-fast rule about the use of planted substrate or not? I intend on having some vals and crypts, and of course anubias and mosses, but not worried about them as much. Should I be looking at a true planted substrate, or can I get something inert and add root tabs?
  7. That's helpful re: the angelfish...thanks! If I went with the pearls, what's the minimum school size to prevent any aggression? I'd like to pair whatever show fish with either a massive school of something, or two larger schools for some variety.
  8. I've always wanted to keep angels, but not sure how many I can realistically fit without overdoing the bioload. Maybe 3x angelfish, a handful of cherry barbs, and maybe a large school of tetras?
  9. I've done all your very basic tropical fish. Liverbearers, gouramis, corys. Which I'm all fine keeping again...just never had anything on this scale (previously was 30 gallons years ago) so I'm excited at the opportunity to really have a nice community.
  10. I originally posted asking for fish suggestions for a Fluval Flex 32.5, and you all gave wonderful suggestions! However, things have changed and I'll instead be getting the Fluval Siena, a 72 gallon system (35" x 22" x 22"). I know with this water volume dramatically changes my stocking options, and would love to hear the suggestions my fellow hobbyists have!
  11. Bump in case others have opinions on a stocking list!
  12. @JettsPapa I love the recommendation! I had never considered the rams, but a quick search...wow! They look incredible. Is it pretty easy to sex them to get a pair?
  13. @cavdad45 could I get a pair, or would it be best advised to do a single one?
  14. Thanks for the initial input! What's the "max" amount of fish I could look to add? I understand the 1" to gallon rule, but it's a loose rule. Just to give myself an idea! I had an initial list of: M/f pair of pearl gouramis 8x phantom red tetra 8x harlequin rasbora 6-8 panda cory I do know this would be overstocking, but maybe not? I thought about removing the corys and putting in shrimp instead, especially if I wanted something like dwarf hairgrass in the tank.
  15. I've recently ordered a Fluval Flex 32.5 gallon and am FINALLY thinking about my stocking options. I do intend to go fairly heavy on the low- to medium-level plants, but I do want to make sure I have plenty of swimming life, too. Do people have recommendations on stocking options? I'd love some schools, or maybe one big school or something, and of course a show fish. Thanks in advance!
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