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Posts posted by Cz1989

  1. On 8/6/2023 at 10:12 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

    They thrive with just a pinch of salt. Like the tiniest amount. But they do fine in harder full fresh water. 

    They are often billed as ‘brackish’ but only really tolerate brackish to about 1.005-1.007. 

    Fun little micro predators that squabble amongst eachother as gobies do. Make sure to feed frozen or live or be prepared to tong feed. They are eyesight predators meaning if it aint moving they usually won’t go for it.

    I appreciate the feedback!  I do have really hard water. 

  2. Hello fellow fish nerds, 

    I've got a 30ish gallon planted aquarium that currently houses a handful of endlers. 

    My LFS (shoutout to The Fish Room, ABQ,NM) has some Bumblebee Gobys. Have any of you ever kept them before?  Do they thrive in fully freshwater aquariums?  

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Update:  I just got home from work and there are no new casualties.  I'm going to continue daily water changes and monitor ammonia closely. 

    As far as the blue coloration to the water; it is very faint but still present. I'm waiting for a copper test to come in the mail. 

    I really was expecting to have lost my entire aquarium. 

    • Like 3
  4. You guys have been a big help.  I really appreciate all the advice and the concern. When I get home from work I will update this post as to where we stand. 

    As far as the chlorine goes, I have been treating with tap water conditioner heavily and consistently show zero chlorine on tests.  For whatever else is in the water, who knows. 

    • Like 1
  5. I'm assuming it was an ammonia spike from disturbing the cycle. I had all the substrate in buckets with aquarium water for about 48 hours. I was hoping that would save my bacteria load but I'm assuming it didn't. 

  6. 75 gallon community tank with praecox rainbows, ottos and two columbian snowball plecos, gold lazer corys and two rainbow stiphodon gobys.   Everything was ticking like a clock with no issues for months. 

    I moved over the past weekend and every fish made it through the move healthy. My water at my new apartment has a blue-ish tone to it.  

    This morning I awoke to finding 3 rainbows dead, 2 corys dead, 1 snowball pleco dead and one goby dead. 

    My parameters are: 10 Nitrate, 1 Nitrite, 300?! Hardness, 40 KH, 6.4 ish PH. 0 Chlorine. 

    I did a 10 gallon water change before I left for work but I'm afraid my entire tank is going to be collapsed by the time I get home. Recommendations?

  7. Hey all,

    I am working on setting up a heavily planted 75 gallon aquarium. 
    I have relatively hard water (thanks New Mexico) and I need a “Centerpiece” fish or fishes. 
    What shrimp safe fish would you recommend?  
    It seems like most centerpiece fish would happily eat mature fancy shrimp.  


  8. On 10/28/2021 at 3:53 PM, Zoidar said:

    Hi guys! Just an update. I think I have found why shrimp died after water change. I used both hot and cold tapwater to get the right temp. Now I only use cold tapwater that I then warm. Seemingly there must be some copper in my hot water. I haven't checked it for copper, but that must be it, since I haven't seen one dead shrimp since I changed method.

    This makes me want to test my water, hot and cold. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/28/2021 at 5:32 PM, Zenzo said:

    livebearers do well in hard water if you are looking for a big group of fish. There may be some smaller rainbow fish that you could also choose. 

    I do think a group of dwarf rainbows would be cool!  

    • Like 1
  10. Hello friends,  

    I have a 32 gallon mega flex, which I recently got planted. 

    I am curious what you guys/gals would stock in this tank with pretty hard water (250-300 according to coop test strips). 

    I really prefer large schools of big fish, but I’m VERY open to suggestions!  




  11. I recently relocated from Dallas, TX to Santa Fe, NM for work.  I completely liquidated all of my aquarium stuff before I left.

    Now that I'm settled in to my new place, I've ordered a Fluval Flex 32.  Is the Aquasky light which comes with the kit, strong enough to grow plants sufficiently?  

    I had several Fluval "Plant" lights on my old setups and loved them.

    Any input would be appreciated!

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