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  1. Not sure. She doesn’t seem gravid but I can’t say I would now what a gravid female looks like as I’ve never kept this fish. The male does seem territorial towards the juvenile. The juvenile made some poop so it seems there at least eating something. I unfortunate will be away for the holiday so I have an auto feeder to get them through the next couple days. Fingers crossed.
  2. All I know is the breeders pH was a bit higher around 7 but haven’t been able to get there because my water is pretty acidic and I have to do frequent changes for now. I’m hoping they come around. They don’t seem distressed. The male seems to chase the female a bit. Not sure if that’s mating behavior? He also doesn’t seem to like when the adolescent is near her. Are they less interest in food when trying to mate?
  3. I have a mature male and female, an adolescent male with about 5-6 fry They are in a 20L It is planted with a Amazon sword, some java fern, and a few pogo stem octopus I have a sponge filter and an air stone in the tank I have fluval light that I keep on for 8 hours/day The tank is at 67F Parameters are pH about 6.8, I have acidic water I try to combat with crushed coral, Kh is about 40, hardness is about 75, Nitrates are about 25. I bought them at an auction. The breeder said they were feed flakes, some pellets, frozen brine, bloodworms, and Repashy with live baby brine occasionally.
  4. I tried live baby brine once. It was my first time hatching them and it didn't work out well I think because of the heat? I am trying another batch. Other live foods worth trying?
  5. @Fish Folk An update. I can’t seem to get them interested in eating. I have tried various foods including freeze dried brine, mixed flake, green flake, frozen blood worms, carnivore pellets, rephasy, algae wafers. Unlike most other fish I’ve kept that tend to gobble up food as soon as I feed them, the Goodeids don’t. The fry seem to nibble a fair bit on the brine and sometimes the flake. The adults will come check out the food, sometimes nibble, but mostly spit it out then swim away. I leave the blood worms in throughout the day and most seems to go away by the end of the day. I have tried garlic extract to the flakes and they come to check it out but don’t necessarily eat. I asked the breeder and have been feeding them basically the same diet. Do I just give it time or is there something I should do? The fish still seem healthy for now. I’ve seen the female with some poop and a few of the fry with poop. I appreciate the help.
  6. Thank you for the reply! I’m so excited to have this fish. The adults haven’t taken to much food yet but there still very new. Working on getting my pH up for them. I will be reaching out with questions if that’s fine.
  7. Bumping an old thread. Just got some X.doadrioi at a meet and have never kept goodeids. Any advice for parameters, keeping them happy and breeding?
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