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  1. After discovering on here that others are interested in the different morphs of RHS, I went to my plant storing tank(where I put this beauty that had an ivory/brown shell and purple foot) I have many tanks so I sorta allocated this one to trying to get more purple RHS. The one in particular I had spoke of and had for the longest is no longer around. I am still searching my photos in hopes I took a pic. No luck this far! Anyway, I do have a few purple variations in the tank he/she?! Was in. Quite a few babies and 1 rather large one. I provided a photo of that 1. The 1 in photo doesn’t have as dark of purple nor any coloration in shell, same size(very large) I then took a pic of a junior RHS with that same deep purple foot and this one has a dark purple shell. The black background is where he loves to be so I grew impatient and submitted his pic. I noticed several dark purple with solid dark purple shells. It is something I never had in my groups of RHS. I wanted to share on here with the ppl that are breading/experimenting with color morph and also state that I am doing the same. I have yet to find another like the one that spent his life with my female betta(Beauty, from Beauty and the Beast) I almost wonder if I should’ve kept him in his original home and added more RHS to that tank, perhaps it would’ve made a difference?! Unsure but I don’t feel any of these resemble him. I believe they came from the one in photo mixed with a red or vibrant pink ones. From my observation they are mixing together to provide several different morphs. I notice when I order plants from different sources I get new color variations going on. My fav spot to order plants being the Co-Op but I do source locally as well. Fascinating lil creatures to watch. I would love some blue ones but the ones I have seen sold as blue were not so I just patiently wait for some to happen in my tanks!
  2. After discovering on here that others are interested in the different morphs of RHS, I went to my plant storing tank(where I put this beauty that had an ivory/brown shell and purple foot) I have many tanks so I sorta allocated this one to trying to get more purple RHS. The one in particular I had spoke of and had for the longest is no longer around. I am still searching my photos in hopes I took a pic. No luck this far! Anyway, I do have a few purple variations in the tank he/she?! Was in. Quite a few babies and 1 rather large one. I provided a photo of that 1. The 1 in photo doesn’t have as dark of purple nor any coloration in shell, same size(very large) I then took a pic of a junior RHS with that same deep purple foot and this one has a dark purple shell. The black background is where he loves to be so I grew impatient and submitted his pic. I noticed several dark purple with solid dark purple shells. It is something I never had in my groups of RHS. I wanted to share on here with the ppl that are breading/experimenting with color morph and also state that I am doing the same. I have yet to find another like the one that spent his life with my female betta(Beauty, from Beauty and the Beast) I almost wonder if I should’ve kept him in his original home and added more RHS to that tank, perhaps it would’ve made a difference?! Unsure but I don’t feel any of these resemble him. I believe they came from the one in photo mixed with a red or vibrant pink ones. From my observation they are mixing together to provide several different morphs. I notice when I order plants from different sources I get new color variations going on. My fav spot to order plants being the Co-Op but I do source locally as well. Fascinating lil creatures to watch. I would love some blue ones but the ones I have seen sold as blue were not so I just patiently wait for some to happen in my tanks! Lastly, I found a few pink foot pink shells to be vibrant and have a slightly neon swirl thru their shells. I do need to do something about the population of RHS however feeding less is hard for me in community tanks. Well tbh in general. They are rapid breeders. It is the struggle for me! I don’t have the space for a fish bigger than a pea puffer and I don’t truly have the space for another fish at this juncture. I would love to add some loaches to my 125. I have to research whether they can thrive with the fish in that community. Honesty, trying to condense my fish room not add to it so I have to be careful what fish I add. None of the fish I have reduce the snail population unfortunately. I maybe need to hit a local auction for that!
  3. I have had some interesting and very pretty Ramshorn snail morphs. Prior to finding this thread, I had a lone purple foot with ivory/brown shell. He grew quite large and had him for a long time in my 51/2 gallon betta tank with a nerite snail as the only other snail in the tank. I wanted more purple babies and so I moved him in another 10 gallon betta tank with a hand full of my prettiest snails and have several pinks reds and most recently purple foots but not many and none have the brown/ivory shell like his. He died roughly a month after being in new home and I did not have any purple foot snails for several months after his death. This is really baffling. It is worth noting that I did add some plants to the tank during this time that perhaps might be how I got more purples. I did also see blue foot snails prior to deep purple foot snails appearing. I will gather up some photos of them since I now found a bunch of people documenting this. I want to look at old photos to see if I can find my guy with the brown/ivory shell and purple foot. He was unique looking and haven’t seen anything close to that color morph prior or since. I wonder if his isolation had anything to do with it as I have noticed prettier colors out of those that have fewer snails in the tank(being a betta tank the water isn't geared for optimal snail shells. I do feed them calcium enriched snail food here n there which he benefited from) I had to cut back on that as I quickly noticed they breed like roaches when I do that. I would love to get some golden ones if it is a color morph and not sickness. I tend to lean towards it being a color morph as I have had sick looking snails and it’s more a peeling look to their shells. Happy I found other snail Nerms as I felt I might be the only one intentionally enjoying the different coloration of what others consider pest snails! I even think some of the pond snails are pretty(with their gold speckling)
  4. This has helped me a lot with 1 of my bettas.. I plan to follow same course of action with Gargameal. Not sure if Popeye bc it is only the 1 eye. I think it might be a growth of some sort but want to treat it just in case bc my mom recently lost a fish to popeye. She got the Betta from the petstore with Popeyes already and when visiting on the holiday I said mom I think he has popeye. She really knew no better but after pointing out behaviors her Betta was displaying she rushed out and got meds but it was too late. Reason I don’t think mine is Popeye is bc he eats blows nests active and it’s complete opposite behaviors. Snowflake looked lethargic floating sideways at times and eyes bulging. I came on here and glad I did not even consider Epsom salt baths and also gave me some hope that this might not be Popeye and also insight on what to do during treatment with water changes and how long to expect to keep him in hospital tank. Thank you both for the help! I will check back in on Junipers progress as it gives me hope for Gargameal!
  5. I think the clutch is a dud! It’s not getting that moldy color and no babies or changes. It’s been about 3 weeks now!
  6. Thank you for the warm welcome and encouragement. I have definitely found my hobby.. I have always been an animal lover. What has me hooked on fish and sets it apart from the other pets in my life, is the learning experience. I am constantly researching! I love it!
  7. Just want to introduce myself. I have been keeping Bettas and snails for the last 6 months. This picture was my 1st loss. She died of a internal parasite which thanks to Corey I learned how to prevent that moving forward! It also led me to check out this forum. I love learning and this hobby is a never ending learning experience and I intend to fish keep for a very long time. Right now my project is planting up my tanks. Today is day 4 of the medicine trio for my other Bettas.. I have 1 giant Dumbo eared male, 3 male crown tails, 2 assassin snails, 4 nerite snails, 2 mystery snails (clutch incubating) I will intro them later..Fin rot led me to a video from Aquarium co-op. I am grateful bc I still have the fish that suffered with that and they are thriving.
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