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  1. I have a question about my Vallisneria Italian. I planted alot of these about 6 weeks ago and they are growing and spreading very fast. Some of the young plants, off of the shoots have rooted into my substraite (90% of them) and some have rooted, but the roots are far from my substraite (3' or so). It doesn't seem to deter them because they are grow just fine too, and heading for the surface. Should I let these young substraite-less plants continue doing their own thing and finding their way or should I cut them from ma-ma and plant them ?
  2. I see. Your tank looks very nice. Love the Amazon Sword. They are beautyful when they're big like yours. What is the large plant on the right side. I've got a perfect place for something like that. Jerry
  3. 5 or 6 Siamese Algae Eaters will knock it out fast. They look nice and are very active
  4. This worked for me very quickly. I have a 60gal, 3 months old, so we're not far off from each other in size. I was suffering from either Diatoms or a brownish algae on my leaves. The OTTO Cat cleaned that mess. Then came some Hair Algae and the Siamese Algae Eaters made quick work of that. I'm currently working on my tank's ballance so I this won't repeat, by : 1. I cut my light intensity back 20% 2. I cut my lighting times back from 12 hours to 8-9 hours. Some will say that 8 or 9 hours is still too long and it most likely is, but I want to see my tank too. Oh well. 3. Cut my Fertilizers by 50%. Easy Green (3-4 pumps) on Sundays and Leaf Zone (15-20mls) on Wednesday. I will probably get nailed here. But the bottom line is , no problem Algaes and beautyful plants. This is what works for me and is just my opinion. 4. Get 6 Otto Cats and 4 Siamese Algae Eaters. (these guys are tied for "PLAYER OF THE MONTH"). I've also read the shrimp are great as a clean-up crew, but I have 0 experence with them. Water Parameters if interested, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrites 0ppm, Nitrates (hovering around 20-40ppm, PH 7.2-7.4
  5. this is the worst of infestation, but a good example of what I'm talking about
  6. I'm sure this has been covered before, sorry. My planted tank (60gal) is about 11-12 weeks old. I dose twice weekly with EASY GREEN as recommended. I've placed the recommended amount of root tabs in my ECO-Complete. I give my plants about 10 -12 hours of light daily, but not on full. About an hour after turning on and before turning off I either ramp up or cut the light intensity back to simulate dawn and dusk. I was able to remedy my Diatom issue with 6 Otto Cats. On a side note, my Otto Cats are my MVP's on the team, for sure. Now back to my question, I've noticed a slight presents of "Fuzz Algae". Will these Otto Cats be effective on this new menace ? I've read yes and no, on the internet. I came here to get a straight answer, which I always get here. Secondly. I would appreciate any suggestions to combat this before it becomes noticeable or worse. My parameters are Ammonia = 0ppm, Nitrites = 0ppm, Nitrates = 40ppm and PH = 7.4. Like I mentioned above, Diatoms = gone, other algae = lite, which is par for the course on most any tank and now Fuzz Algae is starting on my Vals. My Amazon Swords, Banana's and other plants are not affected .... so far. One more thing, my Vals are sending out runners left and right and taking over, and that's a good thing. Their runners are growing just fine. The original plant stock has struggled and that's where the Fuzz Algae resides. I did a 30-40% water change yesterday to knock my Nitates back a bit and my fish are really responding positively. It's like I poured a Red Bull in the tank. There is so much activity. Thanx
  7. Cardinal Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras and Zebra Danios, Otocidclus Cats for clean-up dutys
  8. I'm Jerry and have just rediscovered an old hobby that I first got into when I was in the 4th grade ..... Well, I'm 66 now and just set up a 60gal planted tank. It's 5 weeks old as I type. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions as I go. I had a 20gal long while in the USAF, but it was too difficult to maintain while deployed. My room mate tried though, LOL, and we're still friends anyway. When I got out, got hired by the USPS, got married, had 2 daughters, and had a 55gal. Our house got small, so we moved. With my daughters in Lacrosse and Soccer, my 55 was just gathering dust. I sold it, big mistake. So now, at 66, I find myself, an empty nester and retired. Enter new 60gal aquarium, stage left. I'm back in and loving it. Thanx for reading Jerry
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