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Posts posted by vip819

  1. Hello, I noticed my betta has a bulging left eye with white around the perimeter of his eye. He is eating as normal but has been resting on bottom of tank a bit more than usual. In a 10 gallon planted tank with some pygmy corydoras. Greatly appreciate any help!


    NO3 0

    NO2 0

    GH 25

    KH 0

    pH 6.4

    NH3 0


    Screenshot 2022-12-18 at 6.36.43 AM.png

    Screenshot 2022-12-18 at 6.36.34 AM.png

  2. My betta, Hades, passed away on the 26th.

    During his last week, he was sleeping most of the time in his cave and the night before, he had a tilt to his left


    I had him for a little over a year and he was quite a joy to be with. He was friendly, gentle, and quite the curious one

    here's when he was healthy


    • Sad 1
  3. Water Parameters:

    • pH: 6.4
    • Nitrates: 0
    • Hardness: 150
    • Nitrite: 0
    • Ammonia: 0
    • KH/Buffer: 0
    • Water Temperature: 78 

    I first noticed my betta's fin rot on 5/18. As its my first time dealing with fin rot and among other things, I didn't know what to look out for and looking back though my pictures, he showed earliest signs in January.

    In May, I followed Irene's video on treating fin rot, 1 tsp Ich-X and one packet of Maracyn for a week but saw no improvement. On June 1st, I moved him from my 10G to a 5G quarantine tank with a cycled sponge filter. Then, thinking that the one packet of Maracyn from before may have been too weak of a dosage, I did two rounds of Maracyn. When that didn't work, I started using a level one dosing of aquarium salt on 6/27 and continued using it while starting a round of Maracyn2 on the 29th. Ended up doing two rounds of Maracyn2 but still no improvement. Throughout this time betta has been eating as normal and his activity level is as usual too. I have done routine water changes to the quarantine tank.

    The white spot on his body is spreading outwards and I'm worried I won't be able to help him out on time. I would very much appreciate your help and advice. The first picture is from 5/18 and second is 7/8



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