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  1. Had this female for a few months and she was doing fine. I had to go out of town for about a week and had a family member check up on and feed my fish. When i got back, I noticed her energy level drop significantly. I did a partial water change and I’m going down today to test the water and possibly buy medication (if i figure out what’s wrong wither her). I recently noticed this red spot on her body so Im thinking that might be the issue?? I think it’s some sort of parasite but I wanted to get a few opinions, and if anyone had any advice on how to treat it. Thank you! Another note: she gets excited and energetic when I have food but most other times she hangs at the bottom
  2. I got this betta recently and noticed she started bloating within a few days of taking her home. I’ve now had her about a week and she has pinecone scales, which makes me fairly certain she has dropsy. I’ve been seeing a lot of mixed info about dropsy so I’m not sure how I should start treating her/if I can because of how severe she has it. Im at a bit of a dilemma because I’ve heard from a few sources that it isn’t totally curable, but she is also fairly lively and responsive which makes me believe I can help her. Thank you for any help (The tank parameters/temperature are both at safe levels. She’s in a 5.5 gallon with a couple live plants such as java fern and anubias nana)
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