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Posts posted by sankaz

  1. I put my 'pad' of assorted moss just covered in hair algae and BBA in seltzer water over Friday to Monday morning. I changed the seltzer twice and it was in a plastic tub with a lid, no special effort to keep it in the dark. This morning (Mon) I rinsed it and put it back in the tank and my mollies have been chowing down on it all day! I can actually see the moss now!! Thanks for such a great tool to fight algae.

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    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi AK Aquatics! Live Bearers Rock!!! So far I have dalmation mollies and a mix of sunset and red wag platies. My mollies have given me two batches of fry, I'm so excited! the second birthing  was just Saturday (my boss's birthday!) I'm thinking of naming them the AL babies.

    I love your Moscow guppies. Have you had any fry yet? 


  3. Hi @Reis2, I copied your photo to Photoshop and looked closely at the plants. Have you had a big change in your tank? Because it looks like new shoots were coming up. Had you noticed them before they turned black? Did they all turn black fairly quickly? I'm asking because if you just cut off the leaves and ask the rhizome/roots to grow but the reason they turned black in the first place is still present you might get the same result if any grow at all. Were the small leaves getting bigger or did they just stop? I should have asked if you have any other plants in that tank, and are they healthy and green? Sorry if I sound bossy, I'm really curious!



  4. Hi PSJ-SR and welcome! I'm a months old aquarium hobbiest but I already have three, a 10g and 2-20glong. Never thought I ould be this fascinated by everything. I love the plants, the fish, the water chemitry - all of it. It sounds like you're setting up another generation of fish lovers in your family. Looking forward to news about your fishy family!

  5. Thanks Colu, I've dipped my toe into some information on the Clown Pleco and it sounds like a possibility but I'm going to do A LOT more digging for info. My problem is that the photo I posted is a pleco I bought at a chain store beliving that it is a rubberlip pleco and I really like him (her?). But I can't house a fish that has the potential to grow to 6+ inches so I will take him back. I'm sad. I'm so new at this that I quickly become emotionally attached to the fish I've put in my tanks. However, just as I can't properly take care of a large dog and so wouldn't get one, I will need to keep looking for a pleco that is right for me and a breeder that I can trust.

    This is why I joined the Aquarium Co-op Forum. Honest information and advice. Thanks so much!

  6. Thanks for spending the time to give me such good advice. I've looked at different web sites and realize there is A LOT of incorrect information out there. I appreciate the recommendation for Planet catfish, I'll visit it soon. Doing even the smallest research has given me an interest in these fish. I have much to learn!

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  7. Thanks Odd Duck. The site I originally found just said that the Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco was an algae eater that grew to 2 inches. They didn't specify an L number and I haven't found a site with the same specifications. Are there any dwarf plecos that grow no more than 4 inches? I'm learning to look more deeply as I research different fish.

  8. Wow!!! You aren't a beginer that's for sure. And when you decide to get into the hobby you GO!  Supercool! I love all you tanks/pond. I'm actually a little jealous of you pond, I've wanted to set one up for years but to chicken to do it. 

    Your business is a microdairy? Do you make cultured butter, or another specialty? I'm curious.


  9. Hi Jen! Welcome from another newbie (ish). I've been having so much fun with my two aquariums. I'm trying to train on those before I get a third, larger tank. If you have photos it would be great to see some. I haven't taken any good photos of my fish, and just one of my cryptocoryne. And I can't figure out how to edit the photos to post them!! I'll figure it out eventually...


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