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Posts posted by JGarratt4


    what settings should I have? I have had a bad bloom of green fuzz algae as well….I’ve watched Pascoe’s videos on YouTube, but hoping someone can help my personalize my tank to it specifically. 

    I use CO2 injection, and easy green ferts once a week. The Rotala and Cryptocoryne are still converting from emmersed to immersed….root tabs also in the substrate, but not seeing much growth in a few weeks….


  2. Need help setting up my light. Tank is a 20 long with the following plants…Rotala H’ra, Dwarf Baby Tears, Anubias, Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red.

    what settings should I have? I have had a bad bloom of green fuzz algae as well….I’ve watched Pascoe’s videos on YouTube, but hoping someone can help my personalize my tank to it specifically. 

    I use CO2 injection, and easy green ferts once a week. The Rotala and Cryptocoryne are still converting from emmersed to immersed….root tabs also in the substrate, but not seeing much growth in a few weeks….


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  3. @Pete
    My plants came in today from Aquarium Co-Op! Wow! What a difference it makes! Their plants are incredible, I was expecting them to be smaller lol Even got a two for one with the Java Fern! Should I add some Easy Green? Or wait till they settle in? Still need to get a water test kit, on my list to pick up this weekend...along with some shrimp and a snail. When should I add my first round of Easy Green? After I get the test kit this weekend? 



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  4. @Pete I think I might go for some Amano shrimp then. I like that they can't breed in freshwater, don't wanna deal with babies lol Might save the money I was going to use on the Kuhli's to just get more plants. Don't think I'll be able to have 3-5 Amano's then 3 Kuhli's. Might get one Nerite snail too, but they might climb out? What other beginner plants do you suggest? I was thinking some Dwarf Sagittaria, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, Cryptocoryne Parva or Lucens, Bacopa, etc.

  5. Hi guys! So excited to join the aquarium community again. I had tanks all the time growing up as a kid, but they never seemed to pan out. I’ve researched about betta care and aquascaping for about 2 years now. And I finally took the plunge. I went to my LFS and they were great. I picked out everything basic I needed to get my tank up and running. I ordered a few plants from Aquarium CoOp and should be here this week. I plan to fully plant this aquarium. And when I do, I’d love to get some tank mates. I know a 5gal makes it hard, but I know it can be done. If my betta allows me to of course. I have watched the video Cory did, talking about his best 5 tank mates for a betta in AT LEAST a 5 gallon. I really would love some Kuhli Loaches, to help clean up the tank a little bit. Is this a bad idea? I would think Cory knows what he’s talking about lol I hope to post pictures when my scape is done!! Thank you! 


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