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Posts posted by Liddojunior

  1. I have various nanofish that have been successful at colony breeding. And hatch bbs as consistently as I can but know that some fish fry are much too small to eat bbs. Ive basically relied on the mulm and ecosystem of the tank to provide the small enough foods for small fry. Since I’m not collecting the eggs, I was thinking of optimizing a way to have a continuous source of the micro organisms available. 

    I was thinking of using a breeder box with moss/catappa leaves to act as a sort of refugium for micro organisms. I bought the fluval holder and breeder box, which is basically an “air driven hang on back filter”. With the idea that microorganisms can flourish in a safe space and continuously flow into the tank with the return flow.

    Has anyone tried this before? Or opinions on the idea? I’m not sure if copepods and worms that live on surfaces would actually free float back into the tank. And it would require physical effort to move them into the tank. 

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  2. What do you do with a fish species when you have a tank with schooling fish but after years their numbers dwindle down?

    I have some rasboras, but don't really want to buy more of this species and focus on other fish. I was hoping to take care of them until they naturally passed away. I kept them in a tank with some some ricefish.

    Now that I only have a couple left, is it better to give them away? Or move them into a community tank with rasboras of a different species? I was thinking now that their school is gone that I should consider moving them. I think the highly energetic ricefish would be more stressful than a tank with other similar energetic fish. 

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  3. They are on a white background. Fish try to be lighter colored against white, it could be they delaying coloring up? 
    mid you see fry eating. Then I think they are okay and just keep growing them up ! 

  4. Will you using hanging lights for it? Will you be using any pond plants?

    I’m also confused by the height, from the photos wouldnt this be considered really shallow?? I know arowana are a surface feeder but feel like limiting the height might be stressful since it can’t escape lower and might jump? 

  5. I love scarlet badis! I have a super breeding pair and have sooooo many juveniles all the time. They colony breed really easily. 
    They even showed up in other tanks when I moved plants around. 

    I think having a breeding shrimp colony in the fry tank is really helpful to success, I’m pretty sure shrimplets are like perfect fry food. 

    I’ve lost 2 females but have been really lucky on getting females scarlet badis. 

    I added photos of a tank that has the parents and some fry and the other tank that has an army of scarlet badis from when I moved some moss. 



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  6. I got a couple new fish that I ordered online. Ordered chili rasboras and CPDs. On arrival I had half the chili rasboras dead.  I put them in a cycled QT tank. The chili rasboras all died, fortunately the CPDs are looking good. They have colored back up and eating well. But had a couple suddenly die with distinct yellow internal coloring. 

    Picture attached shows a CPD that is clearly colored up, the fins if in water are fully visibly orange. But the belly and top of the head are very visibly bright neon yellow. As all the fish in the QT, not concerned about spreading but would like to have an idea of what it is so I could treat it effectively. 

    Tank parameters are Amon and Nitrite 0 ppm. Nitrate 10-20 ppm. Hard water. pH 7.2. 


  7. I have a male betta fish. I got him when he was small enough to make a Dixie cup look huge.

    He has always had this small raised bump on this side. But slowly over the past 6 months it has noticeably gotten more white. It looks as if the scales that used to be there no longer are. The bump has always been growing proportionally to his body growth so assumed it was perhaps a benign tumor growth. 

    His behaviour is the same; active swimmer, curious explorer and energetic enough to always pick fights against his nerite roommate. 

    In your opinion is this a tumor or an abscess? Because it’s been a bump he’s had for over a year, I thought it was a tumor but because of the white color I’m now wondering if it’s an abscess and if it’s possible to treat


    Planted 45 cm, 4 gallon shallow long tank. Temp is 78F. Nitrate ~10-25ppm. (Ammonia Nitrite 0ppm). Hard water. 6.8 pH. He’s a cull from a local crowntail/halfmoon breeder 


  8. Hello not sure where to submit website bugs and misc “complaints”

    The website seems to be randomly bugged in some sections. Looks like it’s showing backend text over the pages. I figured if I see this others do too and your team won’t know unless told. 

    I have a small concern about the educational blog section! It’s hard to navigate. 

    It felt like there were a few amount of articles. I didn’t know you could see more articles!

    To explain: You reach a point that looks like that’s the end of the blog after a couple articles when you run into a categories section and it suggest that’s the end. You need to scroll way further and below the ads for a “load more” button.

    This is probably on the list of things to do and not a priority. But I can believe the “load more” placement could be easily overlooked by people who use the website often!

    Also, would suggest that even in the beginner advice should be in a more foundational order. It took hitting “load more” and scrolling further to finally get to a checklist for starting a new aquarium! It found it’s hard to find information and as a side note the FAQ is honestly overwhelming. 





  9. On 12/2/2022 at 6:00 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Oh yes I do ugly fry tanks. They are the best. 🤗. Thanks for the info. Once I have an open fry tank I’m going to give this a try. 

     I can get scarlet badis to eat first bites, but it has to be in motion. Even tank raised they picking eaters, mine are lucky I hatch bbs and live blackworms for them. Spoiled fish. 

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  10. On 12/2/2022 at 5:51 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I have subwassertang. Will the eggs stick to it that I could pick it up and move it to a hatching tank or just fall through?  
    sadly the most mating occurs in the back corners so it’s near impossible to get to without disrupting the entire tank. If the eggs stick I could rearrange things to make this a viable option. 

    I'm going to be honest, from experience spawning media will grab eggs and can be taken out, but I dont know how many eggs I would have missed. The fry I got was from doing just that, I can see eggs from ricefish and rainbow fish but scarlet badis I have yet to visible hold or see the eggs, I believe they are really tiny eggs. 

    I would just for a month keep pulling out subwassertang every 3 days. Other tip is in the new hatching tank, squeeze out your tanks filter sponge in it for all the mulm. It will be full of little life and put in some sort of leaf litter. 

  11. On 12/2/2022 at 5:33 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I thought this as well however the two of the suspected females I have also developed the blue/grey patch females do.  The colorless suspected female has no dark patch though. They do engage in the full mating embraces and courtship with the dominant males. They have different body shapes than the males and develop egg bellies with bulging vents periodically that after the mating embrace the egg bellies go away and the vent returns to normal. The males then guard that area for a few days. I have not seen fry though but I also have panda Corydora vacuum cleaners in the tank the males can’t defend against. 
    I really got these just as a viewing fish hoping to get an occasional fry or two not really a breeding project so it’s just sort of interesting to watch and learn about them. 
    Earlier in This thread @Torreyposted an article on research being done on fish that change sex based on need of the colony. It is being discovered many more fish than were originally thought to actually do do this. 🤷‍♀️

    If you put subwassertang where they like to drop eggs, you have a good chance of fry surviving. I've seen Deku Aquatics have fry survive in the parents tank because of dense subwassertang protecting the eggs and fry. The male Scarlet Badis will defend the eggs but then eat them once hatched. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. I lost 2 female scarlet badis but still have  1 

    I have a breeding pair. I found they readily breed but raising the fry is hard! They don’t lay easy to see eggs or easy to reach. 

    Just so you know any red color means it’s a male. Females will at most have grey strips. But mostly plain. They are by far my favorite fish. They really are a teenie tiny Betta

    I got a only a few fry survive to adult size , unfortunately they passed away during the tank change to put her in with her parents. They jumped out, the parents are in my pond style paludarium so no lid 😞 

  13. Surprise fry is the best ! But also scary. I’m always scared I’ll be throwing away baby fish when I trim plants and floaters. 

    Fish eggs are common in my plants and moss so I’m stressed during plant maintenance  🥲

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  14. He might be just be so stressed. 2 months is a really long time to be treating with meds and salt. If he had an actual infection it would be gone by now. 

    Also it’s possible he didn’t have fin rot but just injured fins. And he hasn’t had the right environment to heal. 

    Honestly I would stop and focus on making him have a enriching place to recover.
    Get him a hiding hole, like floating log, stop medication, keep up small water changes to keep the water chemistry correct and feed more. Add some plants. He looks a lot skinnier, and I think some people tend to underfeed out of caution and he needs the extra nutrients to regrow his fins. And needs to not have his body struggling against drugs and salt. Right now his environment sounds like there’s nothing to make him feel safe or any enrichment. Betta fish love to hide and explore. 

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  15. So I bought a group of 5 pea puffers to raise until I could determine which are make and female. Plan was for a trio in a 10 gallon. 

    Currently I found they are hard to catch. They are fast and hide well. If there are no signs of fighting, no torn fins or injured puffers. They tend to patrol together and then separate to their own little spots. Is it okay to keep 5 of them in the tank? 2 males and 3 females. 

    There isn’t a clear line of sight anywhere in the tank because of how dense the plants are. I kinda want to give up scaring them by trying to catch them and leave them be. I’m always throwing in live worms, bb, and snails. They don’t see me as a food source so they get scared if I try to feed with tweezers. But they seem to be happy and have gotten bigger than I thought they would be! 


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  16. On 6/18/2022 at 10:06 AM, Cory said:

    You could get one, but could be you have enough already? Usually if you're trying to breed, you'd have a variety of spawning locations and cave sizes so that they can choose what they want. This cave might be perfect for the female to escape the males attention when she doesn't want to breed. Without knowing sizes and layout of the tank it's hard to say. They'll spawn with no caves as well.

    Not the poster, but had question on the cave sizes. How does one get caves of different sizes? I would love tips on how to make/where to buy different hiding spots!

    I want to get hiding spots for kuhli loaches , they fit in the apisto cave but they don’t all fit in there and think it’ll be to uniform if I have multiple of them in the same tank. 

    Edit: Woah very impressed by the site linking to the store if I just say the name of the product. 

  17. On 6/8/2022 at 5:33 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Hi.  I have Pygmy cory that now breed.  This took quite awhile for me to learn to make them comfy. I had 2 out of 20 that would consistently flip out as you described at me approaching the tank.  Here is what I did.

    Kept the room lights BRIGHTER than the tank lights so they could see me clearly and I was not a giant shadow that could be a predator. I approached painfully slow for awhile. I switched feeding to tiny bit every single time I approached the tanks.  

    I found they prefer ground cover of thin leaves dense they can see around and they disliked broad leaves and decor they could not. They seem to know they are faster than large predators in water with flow so I increased the flow in my tanks and removed large leaves they could not see around as well as decor they could not see around. I figured it made them nervous since they could round a corner and end up in a predators mouth in the wild it might be instinct. 

    They stopped doing the freak out behavior now just quickly settle still to the bottom until they recognize me.  If the room lights are out and it’s getting dark outside and I approach the tank when the tank lights are on one or two still freak out. 

    I hope that helps. I love my Pygmys 🥰

    I rearranged the tank and they were more confident but decided to just catch them all (turns out I had an extra little one!) and moved them into the 3ft long tank with the school of 17 dwarf rasboras.

    They’re swimming everywhere, in front of the tank even with me there. they get spooked slightly but like the normal amount of woah someone just walked by.

    And the next morning they started spawning. They laid egg on every plant leaf they could. Since I feed live baby brine, I’m hoping I’ll have more Pygmy cories in the future m! 

    This tank is much less planted but think the schooling fish group is what they needed. 


    Thank you to everyone! Wanted to make sure I have an update if was successful at making them happy little fish. 

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  18. My room lights are dimmer than the tank lights. I thought I would be a big scary shadow to them, but down the hallway I can see him spot me and panic.

    But I see what you mean about the type of cover, the line of sight from down low is poor and they have to get up higher to get a wider view and when he panics he does go higher in the water column instead of staying low between the hardscape.  

    I will do some rearrangements and move the smaller plants more to the front and use more moss for low cover. 

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  19. On 6/8/2022 at 4:38 AM, Rebekaacres said:

    My filtration is a hang on back filter with a cartridge which is the original to the tank. I have an airstone in the tank as well. My water comes out with 0s across the board but is town water so do treat with prime. I am currently feeding once a day eaither flakes or guppy pellets. Only feeding enought hat they eat in a minute. 

    Are you replacing the cartridges? I would recommend switching to reusable filter media. If you are changing out the cartridge, then you are basically doing a mini restart on the cycle that causes these fluctuations. 

    If you aren't replacing the filter cartridge, what is your water change and cleaning routine? If you clean out the filter with new water, you can also disrupt the cycle of the tank by disturbing the bacteria population. 

    You said your tank has been running for 1.5 months, was this after you cycled the tank? It seems like your tank is currently going through cycling based on your notes. 

    The current levels of NH4 or NO2 are at toxic levels depending on your pH. I rarely would recommend a 100% water change, but NO2 at that level is extremely toxic. I would also consider aquarium salt or methylene blue dip for your fish and really get that airstone bubbling. 


    Also I would reconsider an alternative test method. Can take water to your petco/petsmart for testing. In case your current testing method is giving false results! Old test kits can give false results! 

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