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Chilli Rasbora and a betta


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I’m trying to plan out a low tech planted Fluval  flex 15. The centerpiece is going to be a betta- probably a chain store rescue because I can’t bring myself to spend $50 on a fish and I think things have gotten a little out of control with them, but I digress. 

Would chili rasboras or green kubotais work with a betta?

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I think with a long fin betta you would definitely be good to go. I'm going to try chili rasboras in a betta sorority, but I've got a shrimp tank I can move the rasboras to if the bettas don't  get along with them. Green Kubotais might be a better option since they are a little bigger and the ones I've kept have been very active and are constantly on the move, I think a betta would get tired before they could ever catch one. The bettas I've kept from big box stores have been the most docile that I've kept, so if that's where you are getting yours from I think you'll find success. 

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