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Zebra Pleco Health & Growth


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In February 2024 I received my first Zebra Pleco (juvenile/unknown sex). For a few weeks after that I never saw him eat. Now I see him eat constantly, almost to the point where I can hand feed him. He currently shares a 10 gallon tank with a few sword tails. Below are two images. The left one is from February 2024 and the right image is from today, 09/12/24. He looks to be about the same size? From my understanding Zebras mature very slowly. Does his gut overall look healthy?


Curious everyone's thoughts.


                                    February 2024                                                                                         09/12/24


Edited by Sandrock14
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On 9/13/2024 at 5:51 PM, T. Payne said:

Stomach looks to be fine. If the stomach appears to be not sunken in and the head is filled in then I would say the fish is healthy. They do grow slow.

Thank you for the response, it is always nice to get an unbias outside opinion. I agree with you and I hope you are right!

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On 9/15/2024 at 6:19 PM, Ed R said:

Yah, good-looking fish. Can't tell from this angle for sure but it looks male to me. These are much easier to sex when they are older and when viewed from above.


Thank you! I try to pamper him. I hope the Zebra is a male! I'm estimating he is around 10 months old.

I currently have about 8 sword tails in the tank with the Zebra. I haven't had livebearers in years and I forgot about much they poop. It's insane. I'm debating on trading the swordtails in and doing a deep clean for the Zebra.

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On 9/16/2024 at 10:21 AM, Sandrock14 said:

Thank you! I try to pamper him. I hope the Zebra is a male! I'm estimating he is around 10 months old.

I currently have about 8 sword tails in the tank with the Zebra. I haven't had livebearers in years and I forgot about much they poop. It's insane. I'm debating on trading the swordtails in and doing a deep clean for the Zebra.

swords and platies like a little harder water than the zebra does but i have used them as tankmates with zebras with no issues. feed the zebra a carnivore diet and you will see real poop from him!

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On 9/16/2024 at 10:24 AM, Ed R said:

swords and platies like a little harder water than the zebra does but i have used them as tankmates with zebras with no issues. feed the zebra a carnivore diet and you will see real poop from him!

Hahaha good to know. The swordtails are super active and hunt down any food I place in the tank. The Zebra eventually eats but he can be overpowered by how determined the swordtails are.


Do you recommend any carnivore diet items? I have some Repashy bottom scratcher and the Zebra does not seem to be interested in it.

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they like brine shrimp, live or frozen, baby especially. they are meat eaters, and they eat small animals in the wild. Bloodworms too. Mine get baby brine shrimp a couple days a week, and the other days they eat sinking regular sized pellets from new life spectrum, just the community pellet size R. they aren't crazy about it but they do eat it;)

i have been known to crush some Hikari Carnivore pellets up and send them to the bottom, too.

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On 9/16/2024 at 11:42 AM, Ed R said:

they like brine shrimp, live or frozen, baby especially. they are meat eaters, and they eat small animals in the wild. Bloodworms too. Mine get baby brine shrimp a couple days a week, and the other days they eat sinking regular sized pellets from new life spectrum, just the community pellet size R. they aren't crazy about it but they do eat it;)

i have been known to crush some Hikari Carnivore pellets up and send them to the bottom, too.

I'll keep that in mind. I have some frozen blood worms hopefully he will like! thank you!

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