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Type of algae?


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This is in my 5 gal ( since 2020) tank that has always been a problem with plant survival. Now they all have this type of algae and generally are not thriving. 
water parameters are Gh 200, Kh 40

lights on 10:30 am-5:30pm no direct sun.

amo 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10-25, ph 7.

too much light??, not enuf or too much easy green
BTW- plants in background are a calendar page background 🤣

my 10 gal grows plants way better!






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I did root tab to the Val on left. And actually the bigger one on right( sword??) is doing better since I removed the embedded rock wool recently, but I don’t think the algae is helping. I’ll root tab that one next. 
there are two nerite snails in there that work all the time but not much progress on algae it seems. 

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