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Red spot algae

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Have a small bow front tank19 gallons.  Snails, celestial danios (5), 1 siamese algae eater.  Red spots of algae on everything.  Water changes have not been done regularly.  Tank does not get any natural sunlight.  Tank light are on 8 hours

So what is my best approach to get rid of it. 


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Hi @cwaltemire,

Although red algae is fairly common in saltwater tanks Rhodophyta is not common in freshwater tanks.  In fact, you are the first individual I have heard of having it in a freshwater tank.  Congratulations??  First let's see if we can pinpoint a possible cause....have you added any plants, rocks, or stones from a creek, river, or lake?  If you did, then were they boiled to remove possible unwanted algae or fauna?  If you have some local stones or plants I would remove them now especially any red rocks that may contain high levels of iron since red algae seems to be most prevalent where there are high levels of nitrogen and iron.  I would also start doing weekly water changes to reduce any possible nitrogen buildup.

Red algae can be difficult to remove.  If it were me I would first try treating with 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) from your local pharmacy or grocery store.  First turn you light up to high to get maximum intensity, then turn off all filtration, airstones, etc. so the water becomes calm.  Then, using a 10 ml oral syringe ''paint" one of the worst spots with the hydrogen peroxide.  You can dose up to 1.5 ml of H2O2 per gallon or in your case do not exceed 22 ml per treatment.  You can treat once every 24 hours.  After "painting" the area you should see some very fine oxygen bubbles on the algae after about 5 minutes.  The bubbles are the oxidants in H2O2 attacking the algae.  After about 20 minutes the bubbles should have mostly subsided and you can turn on your filter, airstones, etc.  After a couple of days the algae should show signs of dying.

Keep us posted as things progress.  Hope this helps! -Roy


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